teflon tape, does it make it waterproof?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2005
Hi guys,

If I put teflon tape on my flashlight, eg. p1d-ce can I use it at the bottom of the swimming pool? will it be safe and waterproof?

Don't know about that and I don't own a P1D-CE, but you should use a good lubricant (non-petroleum based) instead on your thread(s). Also, I'm not sure if your said light is supposed to be even used underwater.
If you mean PTFE thread tape then I'm using It right now at work on a 200bar ( about 3000 psi ) system, which stops small leaks, but its got to be replaced/ re-applied each time you break the joint/ fitting.

The trouble is with the P1D is that you turn the head or threads to turn on and off, so this action will push the tape off the threads and leave them bare.

I nyogelled my orb raw ns, ( same threaded twisty operation) and threw it in the bath with my son for 20 mins and that was ok, but i dont know about at the bottom of the swimming pool, there is a bit more preasure there, but he never turned it on or off, so I dont know about weather it would survive or not.

If I realy wanted to take a P1D light underwater, i'd nyogel all point the water could get in, and then probably put a turn of electrical tape around the join, but that doesnt stop the bezzle leaking, So the best bet would be to buy a rated dive light, or risk it and find out.
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Not to mention that the threads aren't the only potential point of entry. The seal around the lens is another consideration. If memory serves on my L1D CE, there's not a true, water-tight seal there, so it doesn't matter how sealed your threads are.
Maybe you could put the light in a ziplock bag????
Edit: you might want to test the bag's integrity by leaving a little air in it and lightly squeezing to see if it leaks before you take it underwater.
Teflon tape is not meant to make something waterproof, it is not a sealer. The tape is used to reduce friction on threaded parts. When it is used on pipe fittings, it allows the mating parts to be screwed an extra twist or half twist. The seal is the threads, not the tape. Pipe fittings are a tapered thread.

Most flashlights are are not meant to be used underwater. For that you need a 'dive' light.
Thank you for all yor reply....it's very helpful! I have nygel 760g as well!

I'm wondering if there is a way to mod it to make it a dive light :)?
timcodes said:
Thank you for all yor reply....it's very helpful! I have nygel 760g as well!

I'm wondering if there is a way to mod it to make it a dive light :)?

There is, but the time and expensive involved may not be worth it. Turning a light into a dunkable light yes. But turning a light into a pressure rated divelight? Not so easy. The pressure could possible break apart the lens or if the o-rings couldn't take it, they could cave under pressure. the body also has to be thick enough otherwise the pressure could end up crushing the cell. I dont mean the body collapsing completely. But i'm sure with equal large amounts of pressure built up all around the body, it probably does bend the metal a little bit.
You can get "soft" waterproof cases for cameras, cellphones etc. I don't know whether you might be able to adapt one of these for your P1d-ce, but it probably wouldn't be ideal and it would not be suitable for anything more than swimming-pool use. There are various makes such as Aquapac, and plenty of sites like this one:
To be honest, I think you would do better to get a proper dive-light. Most dive-lights can be used out of the water, and they are extremely rugged.
will said:
Teflon tape is not meant to make something waterproof, it is not a sealer. The tape is used to reduce friction on threaded parts. When it is used on pipe fittings, it allows the mating parts to be screwed an extra twist or half twist. The seal is the threads, not the tape. Pipe fittings are a tapered thread.

Most flashlights are are not meant to be used underwater. For that you need a 'dive' light.

While I agree that teflon tape does 'lubricate' a joint and help the tapered threads seal, it also functions as a sealant. If you don't believe this to be true, take a joint you know to be watertight, mark the threads so you know the exact position of the threads/pipe, unthread it, clean off the teflon, reassemble to the exact same position and see if it's still watertight.

Another proof of this is when homeowners only wrap a male thread 1-3 times with tape and then assemble the joint. It will leak nearly every time. However, wrap that same joint 4-8 times (in the correct direction) and it will seal. The teflon fills in the imperfections in the threads.
Hi guys,

If I put teflon tape on my flashlight, eg. p1d-ce can I use it at the bottom of the swimming pool? will it be safe and waterproof?

Hi timcodes, why don't you purchase a small waterproof bag to pack? You can search from google or ebay, or some online shopping websites.
Welcome to CPF, camyms :)

This thread is 4 years old, lol. It has also somehow wound up in C&M B/S/T, which is the wrong section, so I'm moving it to General Flashlight Discussion.