I remember clearly those ghastly old Dynacharge rechargeables from the mid 80's. I was a kid of about 7 when my dad got the first ones. All AA sizes we had... and those small wall wart plug in chargers for 2 or 4 charging at once. Must have been 400ma? Always poor, never seemed to last long (!) and yet for some reason I never remember why we simply didn't get a big pack of alkalines. More stupidity and not knowing any better than a money issue.
Then I got 4D Dynacharges for Christmas (1988?) and a big charger that could handle 4 cells at once and even the 9v. Well, the idea of 9v rechargeables were so exotic to me! A year or so later I even got one for use with the LEGO light and sound kit I had! I had that battery for a good 7 more years, threw it away in the mid 90's.
Had the old D's for about that long too. Finally they seemed to hold less and less... and when the old MB Robotics kit (took 4D in the base unit) was abandoned and given away, there was nothing to use D's for.
In 1998 I bought 8 of the Radio Shack 4.0ah D cells and the blue archer charger. Mainly for my 4D Maglite. Didn't pan out... and the batteries were old stock when I bought them, date code of 1986! They worked, were good, but I gave them away in 2003. I regret that of course. Waste of $100, really stupid mistake.
In the meantime I had a bunch of AA radio shack ones I used for my Sony Discman. They worked good and I was happy with them.
In 2000 I tried NiMh, 4AA from Radio Shack. The rat shack charger must have been junk, never charged them fully. Held less than my hi Capacity AA niCd's. I was really burned and disappointed by them. (not actually burned, I mean the waste of $50 made me hopping mad!) Anyway, soon got rid of them, and since 2003 I've never used any rechargeable battery
except the 15 Sanyo Sub C NiCd in the 18v Bosch Drill I have. Other than that I don't plan on getting any AA, D etc ever again either. Just don't use many batteries... Alkaline too cheap and always ready when you need them. Strange but true. Far cheaper and no recharging hassles by simply keeping a big pack of AA and D alkalines around. (And I keep a cache of AA lithiums around for emergencies too. In fact all my flashlights exist only for black outs or when I need to peer into a dark place, not as expensive toys!)
So there is my story