... I've seen you post these links on many recent threads about the TerraLUX products but I've never seen you once post your own opinion on them... but I have no respect for your effectively bashing a product that a read of your posts would clearly suggest you do not own and have never seen. ...Informed debate, logically stated arguments and personal opinions are welcome but this type of post I simply cannot abide.
Hi Matt, sorry to give you so much grief in one week.
I have to say I don't see where I've been bashing TerraLux products. If you could present a link to one of my posts where I actually have written such an opinion I could understand and respond to your complaint better.
After I posted the above links that you responded to, I read this thread just now for the first time:
I see in this thread that you have "ISSUES" with the reviews that I posted links to. I'm sorry if you got the opinion I was posting those links for any other purpose than to point out an interesting reference. To my knowledge I have made no remarks against TerraLux products based on a very quick review of my posts. More importantly I do not share your "ISSUES" with these reviews. I've got a technical background. I've read the reviews more than once, and I do understand 95% of what he's posted. It may surprise you that in the past week I was on the verge of purchasing the TerraLUX TLE-6EX. Would have, except my browser started screwing up and I bailed. My point is you're wrong if you think those technical reviews are somehow in themselves bad for TerraLux sales. I'm sure some people may misunderstand them but if you think there's something bad in them perhaps you could post some "Informed debate, logically stated arguments".
You've posted this opinion:
"To crap on a product because you've taken their circuit apart and think it could/should be better/different is worthless in my opinion unless you go out, build a product and offer it for sale. Even worse IMO is the mindless, unreviewed repitition of OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS as FACT; that's just mob/lemming behavior."
Frankly, I don't know what to say to that. I think you've created a monster in your own mind that doesn't exist.
Oh, for what it's worth, I own the Malkoff. Yes, it's very nice
I do have a 4D maglite that is 20 years old and the Malkoff drop in doesn't fit in that one. At this point, whether it gets a Maglite drop in, a Terralux drop in, or a full on Mod is up in the air right now for reasons I won't bore you with.
Matt, as always I appreciate your posting here on CandlePowerForums. Just wish you'd lose the misplaced obsession with those reviews.