Terralux tle 20 1/2 watt led Q's - solitare


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2009
Hello chaps :) i ve bought the above led for my triple A mag, and it works great, i then got thinking about the poor old solitare, well this fits it with mods to the reflector but to run at the right voltage i need a different batt, i was looking at the 10440's ( anything else out there ?) for 3v power in AAA size. problem is its 3.6v and i dont know if the dropin will take it ? rated at just 3v ?
anyideas ? thanks
terralux dont, ive seen a 3mm led on a metal plate on ebay, it looks pants.
Bright white light is similar to sunlight

Of course, for $30+ dollars you could get a brighter and better light than the solitaire.
thats why i was looking at the tre-20, its much cheaper and seems beter quality and i know it works ok in my 2aaa mag. ive got 10440 on way :)

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