Terralux TLE-300M beamshots?

Arkiv N

Newly Enlightened
Nov 14, 2008
Can someone get me some beamshots from a stock Maglite 4D LED and some beamshots from a Maglite 4D with a TLE-300M drop-in?
I have search but I can't find any comparisons with the Stock LED and the Terralux drop-in.

I have read the http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=193434 thread, and from what i understand the TLE-300M is the strongest for my 4D.

Wanna know if the TLE-300M is worth buying, or if I should go with the stock LED and save the money for a HID flashlight.

Sorry for my bad english, CPF is great for practice my english skills:)
for the money the tle-300 is a bargain, its an awsome flood light with some good throw, its well made and damn bright, dont think about it, just get it, you will not be disapointed....
Wanna know if the TLE-300M is worth buying, or if I should go with the stock LED and save the money for a HID flashlight.

I own one, and can't recommend it.

Yes, it's very bright with tons of flood. But it doesn't screw down far enough in a Maglite. The slightest bump with usually jar the drop-in loose. The only way to get the light to work again is to unscrew the bezel-ring, and use the tips of your fingers to screw the drop-in back down. This can be quite frustrating.

I also have Mags with the stock LEDs in them. Not nearly as bright as my 4D Mag with TLE-300M, but a slight bump won't be an issue for my other Mags. They're more dependable.

I'd recommend saving up for a good HID.
I have one in my mag4d. It's not for whitewall hunting for sure. It's made for throw(spotting) as it excels at that. If you need a spot type light it is well worth the money.
But it doesn't screw down far enough in a Maglite. The slightest bump with usually jar the drop-in loose. The only way to get the light to work again is to unscrew the bezel-ring, and use the tips of your fingers to screw the drop-in back down. This can be quite frustrating.
Anyone else who got this problem?
Someone with some beamshot pictures? Upload please:)
I'm sorry, I can't givce beamshots. but I will say that I haven't had any troubles with it screwing in wrong or something.... but when I first tried it out in my house, it was may brighter than anything I've seen and I couldn't wait for night time to test it!!! when night fell, I was almost dissapointed. It is a great spotter(10+ft diameter spot!) for about 50 or so yards... anything after that, the beam just gets dispursed too much. keep in mind that this was in a urban environment with streetlights and hhhhhwhatnot... mileage will probably be better in country(rural) areas.(still have yet to try it there)

Arkiv N,

the Terralux TLE-300M is a bright drop-in...if you are looking for a "Wall of Light".

I recently purchased one in late December, and it was not what I expected.

The light is bright as heck, but it was not throwing enough for it's intended purpose.

But if you need a beast that will give you a wall of monstrous light...check out my FOR SALE link at the CPF MARKET PLACE.

I am selling the Terralux TLE-300M AND the 4D Mag-lite for $65.00! (Can't beat that with a baseball bat). But you gotta pay the postage...and I will only accept a PayPal payment.

I don't want to use this thread to sell my stuff - but I noticed that you were interested in the Terralux TLE-300M. So I thought, "What the hey...he might like a good deal".

Hope this helps.

In Christ: Raymond

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