TerraLUX TLE-300MR Magcharger


Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2008
Chillicothe, Ohio
Howdy! :D I know that this is somewhere in these forums but I can't find it so HELP! I'm interested in buying the Terralux TLE300MR upgrade for the magcharger. Are there any reviews anywhere. Anyone had this upgrade for a long period of time been able to review it for me/us? I would appreciate the link if I missed it somewhere. Thanks to you all! :twothumbs
Hi there!

Well, i have had this dropin in mz MGC for about 3 months and i must say ithat its quite pleasing. You can get atleast 2 times brighter beam with quite good side-spill. Runtime is the same as with the stock bulb, and i noticed that throw is almost as good as with the stock bulb so it's enough. Hotspot is enormus compared with stock. Mod has onlz one bad side: It can get quite warm if you run it continuosly more than 15-20 minutes, but never to hot or that you can notice decrease in output. I,ll try to use some thermalpaste and report the results.
Hi sgtbambam,

I own the TLE300M for the regular mag. I have run it in both a 2d host with a 8AA->2D adapter and a 3D host with a 9AA->3D adapter. Overall, a very nice drop-in module with tons of light. However, to get the most out of it, you'll need to provide >8 volts. Your magcharger will work fine, but you may want to consider buying the M@g 3D and a 9AA adapter (~$35 more). The stock optics give an ugly beam pattern against a white wall when up close, but really "shine" when taken outside at night as it is able to throw a really nice bright beam several hundred feet. One night I was out playing around with it and someone thought I was a cop!! I have also changed out the stock optics with 19mm Fraen refllectors which gives a nice hot spot with plenty of useful side spill. For the money (~70$ from batteryjunction), it is a great bang for the buck!!

Some reviews and pics were done by djblank87, and here,
Beam shot against the ceiling of the tle300M (with Fraen 19mm relfector) compared to my customized M@g 4*Cree Q5 is here.

Good luck!!
I use the TerraLUX TLE-300 drop-in in my Mag.

It's essentially just three LEDs, each with its own optic, all in a self-contained drop-in puck with all the necessary circuitry. It's a minimal difficulty install, you remove the stock Mag reflector and bulb, put the TLE-300 in the socket, done.

Optic lenses mean *serious throw* and the TLE-300 doesn't disappoint, projecting a big fat hotspot with no corona or spill to speak of. You lose the Mag's focusing ability, but when you've got a glaring hotspot that's over two feet across from only ten feet away, you don't need it. The only con is that the hotspot looks a bit like a round, multi-pointed star (the optics to some degree project the square shape of the LEDs) but in normal use, especially outdoors, you don't notice it.

I mainly use my TLE-300 Mag on night walks down our suburb street to the area mailbox. Any time a car drives by going the same direction, it's a perfect side-by-side comparison of light output, and you can't miss it - the Mag is putting out just as much light as the car (the cars don't miss it either, as they usually slow down). It's still impressive every time I see it.

The TLE-300 is my fave Mag drop-in based on its ease of install, use of standard batteries, and good old "damn that's bright"-ness. I've always liked the idea of an LED hotwire/ROP that doesn't require any modding, and this certainly fills the bill.

yep +1 have a TerraLUX TLE-300 in my 6D mag:)
you just can't beat it for throw or evey day use, but got to say it's a very ulgy beam pattern,great outdoors cheers DocD
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info! I'm a patrol Sergeant on night shift so I'll be using this on a nightly bases. Can't wait to get it now that I know a little more about it. The ability to light up the interior of a car on a traffic stop or illuminate a yard or woodline is what I need and it appears that this will do that much better than stock.

Again thanks alot! :wave:

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