The ARC AAA Le proves its effectiveness in a difficult situation


Oct 13, 2001
When I bought two ARC AAA Le's several months ago, I did it mainly out of curiosity, assuming that I wouldn't have any real use for a mini LED since I EDC at least two brighter lights..

I was suddenly called to Miami because a beloved uncle was dying and the family wanted to be at his side. I had the ARC on my keyring and I had pretty much forgotten about it until things began to happen very quickly.

NOTE: Some Flashaholics may find this next part a bit distasteful, so they might want to skip the following paragraphs.

My uncle had started accumulating large amounts of a white frothy discharge in his mouth, which the nurse was constantly having to remove through suction and paper wipes. She was having trouble seeing accurately so I used my AAA to help her. It was so small that I could easily maneuver it out of her way, and at that range it was exceptionally bright. We did this several times over the next two or three hours. From time to time we used the ARC to confirm whether his eyes were slightly open. At one point the nurse dropped something and it rolled under the bed, where it was hard to see despite the bright room lighting. The ARC's bright beam quickly found it. I'll spare everyone any further details.

Later, looking for our rental car in the surprisingly dark section of the hospital parking lot, there were two cars that looked identical. The ARC quickly confirmed which was ours. Of course I had brighter lights with me but by this time I wanted to see just how useful this flashlight could be. Back at the house I slept in the living room, and the ARC proved to be a perfect nighttime bathroom-finding light and I found it easy to adjust the brightness and diameter of the beam using my thumb and first finger.

After my uncle died we were looking for one of his CD's which was of special importance to the family. He had most of his CD's piled toward the back of a crowded closet that also contained the electronic components of his sound system. The closet lamp provided poor light, which I supplemented with the ARC. We found the disc.

There were many more times when the ARC proved its merit, and despite frequent and fairly heavy use over eight days it never noticeably dimmed. All this from a tiny keyring light!

I have a large flashlight collection, including the M6 and several other Surefires, and they are certainly very fine lights; but this sad week showed very clearly that of all my lights, the most useful and versatile, and in certain ways possibly the best, was that lovely little AAA Le'

It is truly "The Indispensable Flashlight".

Best regards,
My condolences on the loss of your uncle.

I too have used my LE when staying with relatives and it is the perfect single LED flashlight.

Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Peter is doing a great job. I'm glad there's such a good flashlight company, and that he takes such interest in the wants of his customers. No one else consults with us so closely, and I think it shows up in the quality of his products.

I don't think you were a member of the forum when the Arc was first conceived, but I remember when the Infinity and Photon II were the raves, and some of us had the idea to polish the Infinity reflectors. Arc listened to us about this, and managed to make a better product.

That's just one example.

Peter is smart enough to utilize the mental resources of hundreds of flashlight addicts, and to engage us in issues of design, instead of just sitting back silently (and perhaps reading some posts), but being otherwise totally secretive.

I wish PK was a little more like Peter in this regard. I'm not sure why all the secrecy in his case. It's not like there's anybody really competing with Surefire, and I don't see Surefire and Arc as competitors. Their products seem more to complement each other.
Sorry about your uncle too, Brightnorm.

Like you, I have simply never found a better flashlight for travel than the Arc AAA. I never used to carry a light when I travelled, I just stumbled and swore a lot.

You can't impress your friends by lighting up a tree-top in the next county, but for everyday use, the Arc AAA is fantastic.

Realizing how great they are now, just imagine how great they're going to be...
Hey Norm...

I'm sorry for your loss..

I'd have to agree with you that the AAA ARC is one of the finest pieces of micro electronics/flashlight I'd ever seen...

I'm Extremely fond of mine..

I hope that you had your ARC in one of my holders so you didn't have to dangle a Wad of keys over someones face....

I showed my AAA to a nurse that is a Scout leader with me,, and although she loved the idea of the light on her keys,,she thought it may be a bit bright to shine in someones eyes,,checking pupils... I had to agree with her on that one....

Its funny..When I show it to people,,they always Zap themselves in the eyes with it..

Thanks for sharing the story Norm..


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:
When I bought two ARC AAA Le's several months ago, I did it mainly out of curiosity, assuming that I wouldn't have any real use for a mini LED<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very sorry about your loss. I have always said that I want to go to heaven, I just don't want to die to get there. I want to be healthy, 107 years old, and just quietly die in my sleep one night. (OK, maybe I want to be 107 and shot by a jealous husband! instead<grin> - gotta keep a topic like this in high spirits.)

I have not received my ARC AAA CPF edition yet, and this will be my first mini light (other than the Mag-light and the Brinkmann Long Life).

I ordered it, basicly because I could not continue to hang out here and NOT see what all this fuss is about the ARC light.

I was going to ask the question "what's the big deal with the ARC?" But sooo many people were talking about it, I figured that, like a poker game, I would have to pay to find out!

I hope my wait is over when I get home this evening.
Also, your post shows the value of having a light on you all the time.

I have lots of lights, but none that I carry all the time.

Most of the time I carry a buck knife with me, but occasionally I forget to transfer it out of one pocket into another one.

I also have a mini Swiss Army knife on my keychain, and that has come in handy MANY MANY times, when I went to reach for my buck, but discovered that I did not have it. I am suspecting that the ARC will prove to be the same way!
Norm, sorry about your loss.

Budd: you'll be amazed at how often you use this light. It's unbelievably handy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BuddTX:
I also have a mini Swiss Army knife on my keychain, and that has come in handy MANY MANY times, when I went to reach for my buck, but discovered that I did not have it. I am suspecting that the ARC will prove to be the same way!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The way I solve that problem is to wear my ARC on a lanyard around my neck. It's like my watch. The only time I don't have it on me is wnen I take a shower, & when I'm asleep (then it's hanging within 12" of my head). TX
Many thanks to all my flashaholic colleagues for their kind words.

Best regards,
Brightnorm, I too am sorry to hear that your uncle died. It was good of you to go all the way out there to be with him in the end. Its fun to talk about flashlights and material things but its also a good reality check for the rest of us to hear about someone close passing away because it'll be our turn someday soon. Hope all is ok
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by carl:
Brightnorm, I too am sorry to hear that your uncle died. It was good of you to go all the way out there to be with him in the end. Its fun to talk about flashlights and material things but its also a good reality check for the rest of us to hear about someone close passing away because it'll be our turn someday soon. Hope all is ok<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Same here, Brightnorm.

Best wishes to you...and "Carpe Diem".
Best wishes from me Brightnorm. I hope your family is doing as well as can be expected with this loss.

Nothing wise or elegant for me to say really. Just standing with everyone else beside you.

Peter Gransee

Count me in on standing by you on this. I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how difficult it can be to watch a loved one die. I lost my beloved mother a couple of years ago to cancer. Though it was difficult to watch her die, I was very glad I was there by her side. I'm sure your uncle appreciated your support more than you'll ever know.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I must again rave about how much I love my Arc AAA. Actually, I have a story of my own to share.......

Last week, I had to spend a few hours over a couple of evenings moving some of my belongings from one storage unit to another. I had to do all of this at night, since I work during the day. Unfortunately, these storage units have no lights in them, so I had to use flashlights exclusively to see what I was doing. I had brought four different flashlights with me, partly because the last time I had to do this, the bulbs burned out in all but one flashlight. I could not believe that so many bulbs burned out in such a short period of time! I think that's what got me started with the LED flashlights. Anyway, I had bigger flashlights with me, but the most useful one was my Arc AAA light because I could easily hold it in my teeth. This allowed me to have both hands free to carry things, and the light shined wherever I was looking. I know this may not be utterly amazing, as I have a couple of other keychain lights that would work this way too, but the Arc AAA is brighter than any of them, and is by far the most durable and has the best regulation of light output over time. It still continues to amaze me. I have had many comments from friends and family regarding the brightness of such a small flashlight and that the batteries last as long as they do.

I never go anywhere without my Arc AAA, or my small pocket knife, for that matter. Thanks again Peter for such a great product!
May the passing of your loved one, however sad that event was, allow you and your family to remember him most for the happiness he brought to your lives.


Thank you all for your wonderful support and kind words.

Very best regards,

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