Yay-uh!FDA approved ? :thinking:
Packaging looks a lot like that of the 'ebay clone lights' that were sold here on cpf a while back...
I will look into that. If you've spoiled the joke by --visual acuity--, fie on you!I can't zoom in, but it looks like the lights have LASER warning labels affixed to them. The package says "Two In One LED Flashlight". Perhaps the other one is a LASER pointer? An FDA Approved LASER pointer...
THIS is not a Third World nation! yet
I went back to the store an hour ago.I can't zoom in, but it looks like the lights have LASER warning labels affixed to them. The package says "Two In One LED Flashlight". Perhaps the other one is a LASER pointer? An FDA Approved LASER pointer...
The Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America certifies this flashlight contains
no melamine-tainted Chinese Wheat Gluten; therefore...safe! to make tasty anodized soup of aluminum salts with silicon chips on the side.
Delicious and filling for entire family of light eaters.
And it's FDA Approved! Today buy!