The Malkoff M61!

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 12, 2009
when will Malkoff update their dropins?

When do you guys think Malkoff Devices will upgrade their dropins to at least xre-R2? I have seeen a cpl CPFrs have them but no mass production. It would be real cool if they went to XPG but at least R2 in XRE would be nice. I want one but would wait if an upgrade was within a month . Would hate to get one and then have new ones come out. Anyone heard anything?
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I too am anxiously awaiting upgraded emitters in Gene's products.

BUT, I understand him taking his own sweet time about it. He has built a reputation in the tactical community for bullet-proof products. I'm talking folks who would have used nothing but Surefire just a few short years ago. People whose lives depend on their equipment.

With those kinds of expectations and the pressure to perform, you tend to take your time and get things right.
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I don't know about his P60 drop ins, but his new 2-3D Mag drop in with XPG is sure a thing of beauty in beam, tint, output, and build quality-wise.

John F
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I don't know about his P60 drop ins, but his new 2-3D Mag drop in with XPG is sure a thing of beauty in beam, tint, output, and build quality-wise.

Yeah, I was just checking those out. Anybody know the bin of the emitter he's using? It says it's 260 lumens out-the-front... so I'm guessing that is about 340-ish emitter lumens?

BTW, not to hijack this thread but can anyone provide a link to a simple graph that shows mA on one axis and emitter lumens on the perpendicular axis? Like for a given emitter, if I put int 800 mA, what emitter lumens do I get? I have never been able to find those charts. I've found super complex charts on cree's website, but nothing my little mind could handle.
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

yalskey, the only chart I have is for the xpg R5, found it somewhere here on the forum:

Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I was told yesterday that:"I just talked with Malkoff today and it will be March before we get the new M60's in stock.

They are swapping over to the new design with XP-G emitter with reflector"
Can't wait.
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

They are swapping over to the new design with XP-G emitter with reflector"
Can't wait.

So they're dropping the optic on the M60s?

I hope they have a great reflector setup, I love my optic. Not to mention they also rely on the optic to provide a lens for the MD2...
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

So they're dropping the optic on the M60s?

I hope they have a great reflector setup, I love my optic. Not to mention they also rely on the optic to provide a lens for the MD2...

Agreed - I love the beam the Malkoff P60 w/ optic delivers. It easily beats my best P60 w/ reflector dropin (Dereelight) in terms of throw and overall beam quality while maintaining plenty of usable spill.

Besides that, I would hate to see a complete move to reflectors simply due to the efficiency loss in comparison to an optic. Besides sending more light OTF, it seems like the right optic would be able to better focus an XPG for more throw.
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

Agreed - I love the beam the Malkoff P60 w/ optic delivers. It easily beats my best P60 w/ reflector dropin (Dereelight) in terms of throw and overall beam quality while maintaining plenty of usable spill.

Besides that, I would hate to see a complete move to reflectors simply due to the efficiency loss in comparison to an optic. Besides sending more light OTF, it seems like the right optic would be able to better focus an XPG for more throw.

Im going to give Gene the benefit of the doubt and say that he knows what he is doing. The fact is that I doubt an optic exists yet that can do for an XP-G what Genes optic does for the XR-E, hense why he is still using them.

Also when it comes to tactical lighting solutions, throw isnt everything. Your not going to be engaging a subject at 300m using a P60L/M60 style drop in, IF your using the visable light spectrum at all.

The reason for the more difuse hotspot on the SF products (and I SUSPECT on Malkoff's) is to find the right compromise between throw and flood so that you have the most usable tac light possible. Most officers that I know prefer to have the SF P60L style beam... just a whole lot brighter, which is why so many officers were drawn to Malkoff's M60.

Ill be in for am XP-G M60 and M30 when they are released
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Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

Hmm, interesting . I thought the whole idea of the optics was to remove the fragile glass window from the reliability equation? They just came out with the eseries VME head and now they are gonna switch to reflectors and glass?

3 months estmate , add another 1-2 months more onto that for real world Murphys law delays and we are looking at Spring. Hmmm, maybe I should just get one.....thats a lifetime in flashlight time. But then its gonna be the same issue again, there will be a whole new generation of briter more efficient leds beyond the XPG .
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Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

yalskey, the only chart I have is for the xpg R5, found it somewhere here on the forum:


Thanks my friend... that's basically what I'm looking for.

Anyone know where to find all the other emitter / bin charts like this?
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

did you ask anyone at Malkoff, instead of seeking speculation from an internet board?
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

did you ask anyone at Malkoff, instead of seeking speculation from an internet board?

I have had some recent correspondence with G. Malkoff and can relate that the following is correct:

The fact is that I doubt an optic exists yet that can do for an XP-G what Genes optic does for the XR-E, hense why he is still using them.

He is currently working on an XP-G reflector design due to the optic situation as above. He is also working on some new XPG-specific driver designs for both the M60 and M30, which was of great interest to me.

He has given me permission to post this information but wanted me to add that he has stated that everything is still in R&D and has not yet been finalized.

I love the beam the Malkoff P(editM)60 w/ optic delivers. It easily beats my best P60 w/ reflector dropin (Dereelight) in terms of [...] overall beam quality while maintaining plenty of usable spill.
A big +60 here. :huh:
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Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

Nah, I didnt , I just love specualtion and unsubstantiated rumors!!!!! It makes for such tasty entertaining reading dont ya think??:devil::nana:

Thanx for doing my work for me Kestrel!!:party:

Unfortunately I still cant seem to make a decision to wait or not. :shakehead If its all still in R/D then maybe I will jsut get one
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

Ooooh, M-60 with XP-G and a REFLECTOR!

The one and only thing I've disliked about my M-60 is it just plain looks like crap (while installed) compared to the stock P-60L. That white plastic ring with the three holes in it - ugh, cheapo looking! I've wished so many times that thing was black instead of white. But of course the unit is just so awesome you live with that.

If Gene can make the XP-G work as well, let alone better, with a reflector I will be all over it!
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I'm still waiting for my well regulated 3 stage R5 drop-in. Common! Somebody make one!
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I have had the same info from Gene as well but I was keeping it mumm. I spoke with him on the phone before Christmas. Since he is letting the cat out of the bag then I guess its okay now. He is working on a reflector that is specifically matched or will be matched to the XP-G to give it a good beam pattern and not just throw the XP-G into something that is already out there. It won't work with his current optics. It will use a driver specific to its lowered voltage needs and being the type of guy he is, he want's to make sure it works right and is going to be something worth having before he puts it out on the market. I will add that he told me specifically he was able to get more than 300 out the front lumens on the prototype he was working on at very reasonable current drive. Since he is using the integration sphere system I set up and gave him, it would be hard for me to doubt those readings. So something awesome is on its way. Just a question of what that final beam pattern will look like. something with over 300 real OTF lumens at the power consumption of what the previous M60's were would be a very nice improvement.

"Liteskr42: 3 months estmate , add another 1-2 months more onto that for real world Murphys law delays and we are looking at Spring. Hmmm, maybe I should just get one.....thats a lifetime in flashlight time. But then its gonna be the same issue again, there will be a whole new generation of briter more efficient leds beyond the XPG . This is almost Surefire type dillema here:scowl: "

Isn't this a little bit much to complain that something you shouldn't even know about yet is taking too long to come to market and comparing it to a company who puts things in sales brochures that you may not ever get to see or comes out 2 years later? There's no dilemma here (or dillema either). A lot of early to market production models of a new type of LED typically aren't all that impressive compared to those who take their time, do their homework and take full advantage of the new model's characteristics and then put out an outstanding product somewhat later. Yeah so maybe they will really be out in May, so what. If he told you they were coming out last June, and didn't then you would have something to gripe about. If you are saying but some better LED will come along by May and he should have used that instead, your really just being ridiculous and a little obnoxious for no good reason. Those who rush off to market with supposedly "cutting edge" technology oftern wind up just bleeding all over their production floor. :shakehead G.

That being said, Gene, hurry up, I know I need 2 of them. :whistle:
Re: when will Malkoff update their dropins?

I will add that he told me specifically he was able to get more than 300 out the front lumens on the prototype he was working on at very reasonable current drive.

Well there's a future sale right there! Ah, but what will I do with my current M-60 - I know, I'll have to buy another host for it and relegate it to another backup light, oh boy, that's it, I am now CORRUPTED!

I was up to six lights, gave two away and sold one, now I'm down to three, but pretty much plan on buying a couple more Quark Mini 123's, or maybe just one more and an AA version for the hell of it, crap I'm starting to become a true flashaholic - which I define as having way more lights than one actually needs.

Well I'm pretty much already there!
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