The next step up: Torch suggestions!


Newly Enlightened
Jun 18, 2010
So i only bought my TK20 about a week ago and already i am looking at the next step up :)

Having played about with my TK20 I have come up with some requirements for my next light and they are as follows:

1. Around 300 lumens or higher
2. At least low, medium and high modes
3. Well built - doesn't have to be as indestructible as my TK11 though
4. Cool or neutral LED

These don't have to be rigidly stuck to, for example a TK11 with 285 lumens would be an acceptable suggestion :D Im also not setting a price ceiling to get as many suggestions as possible but 30-80 is my rough range

I have looked at the TK11, TA20 and some other Fenix lights but none of them seem to meet my requirements too well, they are very pricey and I would like to try another manufacturer this time.

My other query is about batteries - i know to get 300+ lumens i prob have to go to camera batterers, which i dont understand and know nothing about. Can anyone summaries their positive and negative points? Also can anyone suggest a good rechargeable and charger for these rarer bats?
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The TK20 was my first "good" light to. After that I got a couple of 1 x CR123 lights. Thats a nice size with pretty good output in most situations (but not 300 lumens of course).
I also bought a Eagletac P20C2 MkII, that I think is nice quality/size, bright and nice beam. Mine is neutral white, you can get it in cool white also if you prefer that.
The T20C2 is similar but a little bigger, more throw and can take 18650 batteries.
These eagletac lights have low, medium and high and also blinking modes that you don't get to by mistake.
The TK20 was my first "good" light to. After that I got a couple of 1 x CR123 lights. Thats a nice size with pretty good output in most situations (but not 300 lumens of course).
I also bought a Eagletac P20C2 MkII, that I think is nice quality/size, bright and nice beam. Mine is neutral white, you can get it in cool white also if you prefer that.
The T20C2 is similar but a little bigger, more throw and can take 18650 batteries.
These eagletac lights have low, medium and high and also blinking modes that you don't get to by mistake.

I was thinking about an Eagletac actually.

Is it noticeably brighter than the TK20? And what is the build-quality and toughness like?
Well you have three options:

1. TK40/TK45
2. Continue using primaries -- Eagletac P20C2. But very expensive in the long run.
3. Check out the batteries subsection, read into li-ion use and maintenence, and get yourself some 18650's and a decent charger. Then you can choose from many many high performance lights. I would personally recommend a Solarforce L2 or other good host with a nailbender XP-G module in to really blow yourself away, for even more power, check out the linger special! :thumbsup:
The TK20 is rated at 150 lumens and if you want your next light to look twice as bright you something around 600 lumens. Four times the light to make it look twice as bright is the general rule.
If you want 300 lumens it's simple, get a Quark Mini AA with 14500 battery or Quark Mini 123 running AWs CR123A
Im considering getting an EagleTac T20C2.

This a good move? Advantages, disadvantages? Similar lights to look at?
I think daimleramg has a good point. It takes quite a difference in lumens for you (or at least for me :thinking:) to notice that one light is really brighter than the other.

I have not compared the TK20 and the P20C2 MkII to each other outside but on the wall it's hard for me to say wich one is brighter actually.

The Eagletac does have a larger hotspot with much smoother transition to the spill, it's probably there those extra lumens are.

When I use them outside the Eagletac gives the better light in shorter distance (10-15 m) where I use it most, while the TK20 is more throworiented.

If you go for the T20C2 MkII that is more throwy and maybe its more like the TK20 but brighter. I know there are beamshots and luxreadings on CPF, check them out.

One light that I have been thinking of buying myself is the Jetbeam Jet III M. I'm not sure I like the UI and I actually don't think it will give me very much I don't have already so I havn't pulled the trigger yet.
Anybody has anything to say about that light compared to the others discussed here?

Oh, also take a look at this thread:
Well you have three options:

1. TK40/TK45
2. Continue using primaries -- Eagletac P20C2. But very expensive in the long run.
3. Check out the batteries subsection, read into li-ion use and maintenence, and get yourself some 18650's and a decent charger. Then you can choose from many many high performance lights. I would personally recommend a Solarforce L2 or other good host with a nailbender XP-G module in to really blow yourself away, for even more power, check out the linger special! :thumbsup:

+2, You can have lot's of fun with 18650's, a charger and a good host. Gives you a ton of options.
The TK40 is a top light. Gets rediculous runtime on high (6+ hours), which is just under your 300 lumens and also has that jaw dropping turbo mode (550+otf lumens).

It has a massive hotspot and throws rather well.

Get some eneloops and a smart charger and don't look back.
Im considering getting an EagleTac T20C2.

This a good move? Advantages, disadvantages? Similar lights to look at?

I have the EagleTac T20C2 MkII and love it. I used it last week on vacation in and around Smoky Mountains of Tennessee on night hikes. It has a fairly floody beam profile which is great IMO and if you put on the included diffuser, it'll light up everything in front of you evenly. It is 300 lumens OTF (380 lumens @ emitter) so it is very bright.

I chose the T20C2 MkII over the P20C2 MkII because I use 18650's for them as well as 2x123's. If you don't use 18650, then the P20C2 MkII is smaller if you want that. I actually like the size up on the T20C2 MkII as it feels better in my hands. It includes a sleeve for carrying 2x123 cells and for rattle-free use inside the light. It also makes it nice to carry spares in a waterproff match case. I have another 18650 and 2x123's in the sleeve in separate match cases.

The UI is nice in that you can set it to high or medium by tightening or loosening the head prior to turning it on via the forward-clicky switch. Low is not as low as I like my EDC lights to be but is perfect for the role of this light that I use it in. It is accessed by a tighten->loosen from the medium (loosened) position. There are flash modes but the are hidden by more head twists but the strobe mode is actually easy to get to but still out of the way - double-tap-hold for momentary strobe or double-click for strobe on. I don't use it though. There is a rubber tail boot for tail-standing and a rubber grip ring and both are removable if you don't like them.

Anyways, I can highly recommend the T20C2 MkII. It's a great light! :thumbsup:
The T20C2 MKII is a great suggestion but I prefer the P20 MKII because it makes for a much easier EDC light and the T20 only offers slightly better throw and the use of 18650 battery. If you do get either or both of these lights be sure and get the textured reflector so you don't end up with a dark spot in your beam and to me it seems the textured reflector throws better because of the lack of the dark spot.

Those are two great lights that also have the potential to be upgraded with future Eagletac drop-ins or in this case the drop-in modules screw in. I started with the XP-G models and have since obtained the neutral XP-E Q4 drop-ins for both the T and P20 MKII.