The poorest qualitity LED light I've ever bought


Retired Administrator
Jun 13, 2006
I purchased this light on eBay the other day
Took only 6 days to arrive, so far so good, now check out the photos, the finish on the body is extremely poor, the light came with no O ring, O ring added by me, the head will almost fall of without the O ring the threads are so poor, notice the gap between the body and head, I also added the Fenix clip, very messy soldering, the reflector is smooth but quite deep, the beam has some rings but not too bad, the head is full of crud, the light still has oil from machining on it. Looks like I taken one for the group by buying this light. The LED is centred it must be the camera angle that makes it look off centre. This light is not quite as bright as my SS Civictor running a flupic and Lux TXOH.
This light is overpriced rubbish stay well away.




P.S. Anyone want to by a mint light.
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The head looks like a grade-school project, including paste.
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I looked at it, and thought I might pay twenty-five bucks or so. It's got a rough finish, but clearly isn't aluminum. It's got a Cree in it. Then I checked the auction, and see it sold for 18 British pounds. That's about $35 US dollars.

A little more than I would have thought it's worth, but not exactly highway robbery.
the page says its both luxeon and cree.

this is clearly somebody's early attempt at an enthusiast-level light in the spirit of fenix.

pretty expensive for a beta version. the price is not right for a lousy fenix wannabe...
I also thought it was expensive, but I'm a sucker for stainless steel.
The title says cree but the description says 3 watt led. That's strange. LOL
Also looks like a fenix knockoff to me. You should have paid a little more to buy the real thing.
Alin10123 said:
Also looks like a fenix knockoff to me. You should have paid a little more to buy the real thing.
I've had trouble with a P1 in the past and was really attract by the stainless steel.
I just hope I can prevent others from falling for the same trap.
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It's a shame the threads arn't good...because you could polish out the crappy finish if you really wanted to. :/ Sorry for your loss.
I'm surprised no one want to buy this light from me and it's my first review and everything :):)
I bought a few 9 LED lights from AXSHOP when they were still around about a year ago. 4 out of 5 worked initially with one being a complete dud. The rest had at least one burnt out LED. Add that with the 3 batterty holder and flimsy construction - I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER CHEAP LIGHT AGAIN. Ultrafire is the cheapest I go, and I feel as though they deserve another look.

Stainless steel really isn't a good material for a high output LED light to be made from anyway. It really keeps the heat from getting away from the LED, which will not only cause it to dim as it overheats, but will shorten the life of the LED.
Norm said:
I purchased this light on eBay the other day

P.S. Anyone want to by a mint light.

So, you're keeping the battery then ?

"Here's a crap torch, who wants it " is perhaps not the best marketing ploy !
Norm, you have it arse about :lolsign: I have seen what you have sold recently, then you bought ..... this?
hehe, that's why I stick with reputable Brand names such as Surefire, LRI, and other quality companies. My motto is why buy 10 crappy flashlights when you can get 3 excellent/expensive ones? :dedhorse:

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