The x5 and my thoughts!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 27, 2006
well i was after a light that had a wide flood, was bright and would last a long time on a set of batteries, and was relatively cheap, it was suggested the x5 would fit the bill and i bought 3 of them, 2 for some mates and 1 for myself,

well i was dissapointed when i first got it, after being so used to my scorpian 500rs it was dismal, i was sad. but i went out in the dark an played with it, and started to warm upto the light, for such a little fella it does its job well as a walk light which is what i wanted.

So i stuff it in the car where it stays and i went on a road trip with a mate and on the way back in the middle of nowhere at 110kph i had a massive shudder goin through the car and felt like a flat, i pull over as quick as i can and jump out with the x5 in hand, now it was plenty bright with no external lights to interfere, and no flat tyre, im a bit confused an have a closer look at the wheels with the torch and blam plain as can be ive sheared 3 wheel nuts and have 1 left holding a wobbly wheel on.

Had to walk a fair way with the light before reception on the phone occured and was super impressed with the light.

It now goes everywhere with me.
I could not agree more. For the price it is a great little tool to carry. Despite having other lights, it is often carried as an EDC.
the X5s ideal for a wide variety of applications and sometimes come as a shock after ones used more powerful lights. the first step of en"light"ment is becoming addicted to flashlights, somewhere down the line we'll understand that most of the time having a powerful light is less than ideal:duh2:
I sure like my X5's. Hard to find a better built torch for the money. I even
have one that somebody converted to an optic and put a GG@G strike bezel
on it. Unusual light. :D
The X5 is one of my favorite general purpose lights bar none, and gets used probably 2 - 1 over the rest of my collection combined.
why not take one lug nut off each of the other tires to get you to a gas station?

If he sheared off the lugs, which is what he stated, there would be nothing to put the lugnuts from any other wheel upon. If they were studs, the holes would be plugged with the sheared off stud.
yeah 3 had sheared off, i had one left on there an it was warped as well,
after a 2hour tow it was a 50 buck fix the next day an a couple of hours to do it by myself/.
I always liked my X5's. I EDC'ed one for about a year and a half, until the newer XO came along. The reason I like the XO is the body is no longer a straight tube and it doesn't slip through the leather minimag holder I use for EDC. I have an X5 in my son's car for emergency backup.
I'm pretty sure it is NOT regulated, nevertheless it's also one of my favorites (and my first purchase after finding CPF).
I agree with a lot of the above: Lower-output lights do have their place even though we like to have those miraculous little pocket rockets.

I keep an X5 (red LEDs) in my car for rooting around the passenger compartment without destroying my night vision or alerting others to the presence of "goodies" in my glove box, etc.
I remember seeing a disassembly of the X5 somewhere...individual LEDs have a 100 ohm resistor attached to it and sealed completely in clear epoxy

that puts the total to 30ma x 5 = 150ma current draw, which is pretty good considering its output
The X5 is to my mind the perfect example that newer is not always better, new technology does not always beat out older technology, and sometimes, there is simply something that works and feels so good that it simply cannot be improved upon.
I have to agree. I have and enjoy Fenix's, Jetbeam, Lumapower, and Liteflux, but I really like the feel and close range beam of the X5.

Too bad the X1 (gen2) is quite a bit dimmer. Still a nice, solid light.


that puts the total to 30ma x 5 = 150ma current draw, which is pretty good considering its output

I measured the current draw of my current version Inova X5 at 280 milliamps, which is still pretty meager compared with my Luxeon Inova lights. (XO2 = 361 mA, T1 TIROS = 630 mA).