theatre spotlights


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2006
found some small 500w spotlights from a theater at a garage sale today they r small enough to be handheld.have all lead glass colors with them and even some small long reflectors to make differnt types of spots...wondering are they worth a hundred dollars??if so many people say yes I will go back and buy them..guy said they came out of the roxxettes stage when they were redoing the lighting.they r not real big very bigger then a ten million cp spotlight.both work with a regular 110v plug. any suggestions?? ps he had alot of colors maybe enough to do some colored glass lenses??suggestions anybody?
I am a technical theatre major and trust me, tradional 500 watt theatre spotlights do not use fans. They all use convection cooling.

Post a pic and i can tell you what they are and how much they cost.

Is it a Par? Ellipsoidal? Who is it made by? Strand Century? ETC? Altman?
Xzn said:
I am a technical theatre major and trust me, tradional 500 watt theatre spotlights do not use fans. They all use convection cooling...
I don't know what you mean by "traditional" or how that pertains to the Original Post on this thread. If you are implying that the OP has no chance of ever running into a small follow spot with a cooling fan, you are mistaken.

I am NOT a technical theatre major and trust me,...we own a 500W follow spot by ClubSpot that has a fan for cooling.

A quicky search turns up an Altman Luminator with a cooling fan and that light uses a whimpy 360 Watt lamp. (Third light down on page)

If the light has a fan, make sure it works before you buy.
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I think you guys are talking two different types of lights. The OP seems to be describing a light that would hang from a beam position in a theater and be fixed in position. Most of those, do not use fans. The clubspot and altman luminator both use the same ENX lamp and they both use a fan to cool it. But those are spotlights that are not fixed in position and really not small enough to hand hold as the OP said. I have not seen a spotlight come with anything to frame the light into shapes.
You may be right. I still would expect a 'stage plug' or something other than "a regular 110v plug" to power a light hanging from a batton in a theatre. On the other side, small, 500W follow spots are often powered with "a regular 110v plug."
K guys I did not get the name of the lights,shame on me.but they are not fan cooled.they do have a 110 plug.and they would seem to me to be hung from a post or such though they did have one of those stove looking handles,u know the ones that r a bar with twirled metal.they had alot of colored lead g lass with them whole box full.I am guessing they were meant to be handle cuz they had a cirlular holding thingy so you could change the color quickly...

Maybe I should just buy them and if not worth it, well I could plug them into a inverter and then my car.