Thinking of ordering a Nitecore Extreme


Apr 28, 2008
They appear to be very good, excellent quality, superb fit and finish, great looking, all that good stuff. How are they really though, any problems, defects or bugs to be worked out? I'm getting in deep, need to know...:thinking:
I was seriously considering one until I saw the announcement for the EX10. I like the UI or the EX10 better. It really depends on what you want in a light.
I was seriously considering one until I saw the announcement for the EX10. I like the UI or the EX10 better. It really depends on what you want in a light.

I don't consider them to be on the same platform.

The EX10 is 120 lumens & the Extreme is 200 Lumens
The Extreme is more for belt or holster carry

As you said, it depends on what you require out of your pruchase.
Re: Age of Conan is providing cheap <removed link>, age of conan money,age of conan power leveling,maybe you will like it

Hey mods, 'ya hooked another one.
Reel him in and toss him in the live bait well. :wave:
No, these lights suffer from the unfortunate malady of "great lights, crap switches". Also seen in JetBeam.

I thought I read about some switching problems, with so many posts to go through, just wanted to hear it from some current owners, don't know if they've been fixed yet. They look so good too, hard to resist. Possibly the reason for the new switching on the D & E models, got an EX10 on order, I guess I'll wait and see, thanks guys!:grin2:
Just wanted to hear it from some current owners, don't know if they've been fixed yet

Both of my NDI's have terrible switches. In low mode they work fine, but in high mode, pushing the switch in slowly actually has the light increasing in brightness until full contact is established. I can't really do momentary. Maybe a bit of deoxit will fix it? Who knows, but I do know that the switch looks like pretty much the cheapest component of an otherwise very nice light.

The D10/EX10 look to have that particular problem solved.
Mine is flawless, and I love it. If you want a nice 200 lumen single-cell light with good throw, this is the one. It's pretty easy on the eyes as well!
I love mine and have had no problems with it at all. It's a decent size for EDC, it looks nice and packs a nice punch for it's size. I don't think you'll have any regrets with buying one.

I like mine so much I'm probably going to get the NDI also.
Dont think, just do it .....


I thought I read about some switching problems, with so many posts to go through, just wanted to hear it from some current owners, don't know if they've been fixed yet.
Your .sig claims you own a small herd of E-series lights, so the problems with the switch are a moot point. Think of the Extreme as a E-series head upgrade that happens to come with a body. The merits of the UI are subjective, but I don't mind it as far as multi-function UI's go. I had some issues with the head of the NDI I owned briefly, but I've had no problems with the Extreme head. It works great on all of the E-series bodies I've tested it with. Put it on your E2e body and you should get close to two hours of max output with a 17670.
I have a NiteCore Extreme and love it. Nice beam, and killer bright. I have an ex10 on order as well. I am sure I will like this light as well. The Extreme was my first NiteCore, and so far I am very satisfied. Based on my experience I say go for it.
i've had one for over a month now - i know, not a very long time.

thus far i've developed no switch problems. the following are merely some observations based upon my particular biases in what i like and/or don't like in a light.

1. in it's max o.p. mode it is very bright indeed. claimed burn-times reasonable - no complaints there if it lived up to the claims (by this statement i DON'T mean to imply that it does not live up to them, rather i'm merely stating that i haven't yet verified that it will burn as long as claimed by the Mfr.; i don't have any doubts, at this point, that it will burn as long as claimed).

2. it's minimum mode is low enough for most tasks.

3. it appears to be very well constructed - fit and finish is excellent in mine.

4. due to resistance provided by even a well lubricated o-ring, one handed operation on my particular unit is difficult, particularly when it comes to adjusting the light o.p. in its ramping mode.

5. UI is a bit anemic, IMO. those two new models others have already mentioned are a big improvement, IMO.

6. having to use two different switching mechanisms to operate the light is a bit of a minor inconvenience since it is not just that two switches (tailcap and rotating head) are req'd to put the light through its paces, but also that it might be desirable to change the position of the light in one's hands after switching it ON, and then again to switch it OFF - or use two hands for ON/OFF as well as for adjusting the light o.p. in ramping mode.

7. maybe i missed something, but i tried the NE head on a SF 2-level Cree E1L Outdoorsman. i could only get the MAX o.p. level to work. i lost the second adjustable/ramping level mode of operation. if someone else also pointed this out, i missed it. to me this is an issue since i don't always want 200lm of light. anyone, if i've missed the boat on this point, please Post back and educate me on how to get "ramping" o.p. adjustment mode with a SF E-series body.

bottom line (for me): not my favorite 1xCR123A due to UI limitations, but definitely the brightest. i certainly don't consider it money wasted. even knowing what i know now, i would still purchase one. however, its idiosyncrasies, in terms of UI, caused me to pull the plug on acquiring a NDI, but i still intend to purchase one (or both) of the new lights w/the new UI even though they are not 200lm lights.
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Ok ok, the good appear to out weigh the bad, consider it done, should have it next week, I'll let you know what I think, also have an RA Twisty on order just in case..:twothumbs