Thought You Folks Would Appreciate - Novatac In Action In TN Woods


Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
My wife an I just spent and wonderful night at a place called Evin's Mill in Tennessee for our anniversary. Evin's Mill is basically an old mill in the middle of the TN woods that has been converted to a bed and breakfast.

At any rate it gets pretty dark up in the TN hills and the main house/dining area is a good ways through a dark path in the woods so the proprietors provide, snicker, flashlights to the guests as can be seen below.


Yeah Right.

Well I had my Novatac 85P as well as a Fenix P2D and my wife had a Fenix L1T. Well needless to say all of these lights literally destroyed these crappy 6 volt lanterns.

So as we are walking back to our cabin some other couples came following us with their 6 volt lanterns. As they passed by us with my 85P, they both said WHOA!!!, you brought your own light and it is a good one....EYES WIDE. I lit their path for them with the 85P from our cabin as they walked down. Even at 50-100 feet away the 85P totally obscured any light coming from their lanterns.

So there you have it. An itty bitty single cell pocket light vs. 6 volt lanterns. We have come a long long way.

I'm going hunting this winter and plan to have my 120t by then.If you could please post more action shots.Thanks.
Yah gotta remember that provided flashlights are gonna be like provided pepper grinders in restaurants--they need to be big 'cause the little ones 'disappear'.
Nice that you had your own, though.
I live on a street now that has 2 measly street lights and it is so dark you can't see in front of your own face. My 120T takes care of that problem-I can see down the entire street with it.

I don't have a Novatac (Want one, but can't justify it...) but every time I pull out my P2D CE people are extremely surprised about how much light it puts out for its size.. Then I laugh and say "This is on low!" and show them Turbo.

Then I tell "no, you can't get it at Wal Mart" and that it costs $55 and I think they get a lot less interested... :rolleyes:
Quote from PurpleDrazi:

cslinger, I'm curious . . . where did your sig line come from?

I'm curious, too.