THROW GOD...DEREE....DBS..Got Throw ?


Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
Tiablo who?
MRV who?
D-mini who?
Ultra Stinger who?
Gladius who?

The list goes on!

As any know that read my posts, im usually NOT a fan of mega throw.
That said:

Taking 168A out of the charger..light is off charger Lux is
Drum roll please....

30 000 and change
been on about 10 mins lux at over 27000

In No special order:

If I was handed this light.Was asked to inspect it and test its beam at night outside...then guess its cost.I would say 200-300 $

Light comes in a nifty box..for those that care about boxes.
Light came with 3 stage Q4 installed and smooth reflector
Inside box was spare Orings,switch and rubber clickey cover ( low-profile)
I got OP reflector also

Reflectors are D E E P and W I D E

Outer construction is tank like..bullet proof
Glass was clean and defect free. Tough A/R
Quality is Sure Fire like
This light is made as good or better then ANY light at ANY price...period.

Tapping clickey changes modes...push hard to lock mode in..simple
FWD clickey
GITD button and black
I do wish lip around button was lower..I could care less about tail stand

Beam is pure white, ringy and VERY tight.This light simply shames ALL other lights of 100+ I have tested in throw that are less then 7'' long.Infact, nothing is even close at the moment.Spill is actually decent for a throw god.

Hitting targets 700+ feet away is a joke for this HIT MAN of a light.

Many old timers say :LEDs cant throw..LEDS dont have many lumens
FASTCAR says : Pfffffffffffttt

We are only on Q4-Q5 we still have R5 in a year or less..and god knows what might pop up next.

I took 10 LED lights I have and did a pseudo ..quazi test.
I stood 200' from my friend who shot me in the face with each light for 2-3 after another.

On the : Get that F'N light out of my face b4 I kill you scale ( of brightness) from 1 to 10

Minimag led 4
Amilight T5 5
Olight P4 T15 6
Wolf Eyes Q2 6
Wolf Eyes Q2 diffused 3
ASP triad 3x cree 6
Olight T20 Q5 7
Guider Q4 6.5
Deree C1H OP 6
Deree C1H SM 8
Deree DBS Q4 SM 10+

This light is not what I would call a pocket light.Well maybee a ski jacket pocket.But at only about 6.75 inch long by eye it is no monster either.

I think the OP reflector is dumb. Why buy a throw king and kill it with OP..I dont get it.

I will keep this light.
Bang -For-The-Buck-o-meter = 10 of 10

Another fantastic job from AL at Deree !!
Huge hit !

My 1 gripe is the lip on the tailcap..I wish it was lower. Maybee make an option for no lip tailcap..or a small run for people like me..OR a U shape groove for the thumb to fit into to activate light easier.

This light is the king of kings of throw...I would have named it the Flame thrower

:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow: Hail to the new king !!!!

This is my story..and im sticking to it
My 2 cents
Fastcar, you sure are fickle! Just a sucker for the first pretty face to come along, aren't you? :)

Actually, I'm looking at that guy myself. The price is very reasonable for what it is, and so far the reviews seem overwhelmingly positive. Now, will it work this time next year, or will the light fail because while it looks great, the switch is junk or there is some other hidden weak point? Not saying there is, just kinda wondering about a newish product. Sort of like version 1.0 of any software! :)
Off topic..but quickly:

"And oh yeah - I don't see the Tiablo A9S on that list. It kicks the Olight T20 Q5's butt.

Keep in mind the Olight T20 is not MEANT to compete with throw kings..its more of a multi purpose light that just happens to throw well.In my box the T20 has more total lumens then the tiablos anyway..and a better beam.T20 is also like 1/3 the overall size/weight of the throw lights...its tiny

apples and oranges

And I did mention "Tiablo who"

IMO this light will break 10x less then a fenix or DX or other NON elite light. **IF* the switch does break...kit comes with a FREE spare :twothumbs
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Arrrrgh! Of course now I want one! And the CL1H! And while we're off topic, my T20 Q5 is in my pocket as we, umm speak. I love this little guy. My Tiablo won't fit! Workmanship and execution seems better than Fenix, two of which, umm are also in my pocket. Don't tell the mundanes -they'll have me taken away! :)

I know I already said this but you really need to include beamshots with your review. They are almost pointless without them. I know you don't like white wall beamshots, but please consider some real world (outdoor) beamshots to show the huge throw of this light. You would also be a great person for comparison shots since you have a large amount of popular new lights.

By the way I love the "Tiablo Who?" "MRV Who?" comments. :crackup:
Off topic again..but quickly

I find all beamshots nearly useless and wont do any UNTILL I find a way that captures a light beam correctly.

That said....

Im working on a video of 12-15 popular lights..I made in the woods..Will upload it to Utube and link in CPF one of these days.

I have yet to see a single beamshot by any person that looked like said light in real life.Perhaps some camera guy can chime in or make a thread telling why that is.Most I see are 50% or more darker then it actually looks in real life.

Need to edit my video and see if its decent and or worth doing.
Im not selling lights BTW.Get this or that light because of me or does not effect me at all.Others do run times and pretty pictures.
If your not happy with my review style..dont read them ... thats all.

I have NEVER got OR not got a light because of some guys beam shot. I would rather test it for myself.I can always return or sell or give a light away.

I cant please everyone

Back to Topic:
This is a great light. Will take it on 2nights walk and test for 2+ hours
Reflectors are D E E P and W I D E........

We are only on Q4-Q5 we still have R5 in a year or less..and god knows what might pop up next....

Hey FASTCAR, I got the same setup as you today,....:devil: !!

You made a great point, with Dereelights upgradability to new bins down the road, THE SKY IS THE LIMIT*
with this construction & especially this freakin reflector.
My first and last PURE thrower ~ DBS!!

reading your reviews is like listening to the president talk about WMD's in Iraq. Great stories...just not all believable. It would be neat if a beamshot comparison (outside or inside) would once in a blue moon be offered as evidence. Then we could make our own decesion.

Just my .02
reading your reviews is like listening to the president talk about WMD's in Iraq. Great stories...just not all believable. It would be neat if a beamshot comparison (outside or inside) would once in a blue moon be offered as evidence. Then we could make our own decesion.

Just my .02

Will a 168A perform better than a 18650?

I'm looking, and these maybe the same thing?

What kind of voltage was coming off your battery when you put it in Fastcar? I probably could have gotten a tad more juice into my battery before taking a reading, and I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 30,000LUX for a little bit. :)
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woodrow, I'm lucky enough to live on a lake in Wisconsin, I did some initial testing on the throw of the DBS across my lake and,
there is no other way to word it.

The fact it was lighting up the shoreline across the lake, it would be better to talk in fractions of a mile, instead of yards.

This is no wmd story......out
Also I have beam shots in my review if anyone wants to see beam shots. Fastcar, mine might be a bit brighter than in reality. :) It takes a long exposure to get something that looks similar to our adapted night vision. ISO 100, f2.8, shutter speed around 1-5 seconds or more.
Wade, people that dont ever do a review ALWAYS have somthing to say..dont let it get to you.

When these people start doing a few ..then let them talk.
Now...I really gotta have the DBS and the T20...and the CL1H...birthday coming up and I am buying my own presents...Thanks for the review.:)

I hope you didnt take my smiley as a snide remark, I just thought the comment above was funny. Allthough I like pretty pictures a lot, I still enjoy your reviews, they can be an entertaining read. Keep up the good work.
Fastcar, I love your reviews and the fact that you have your "finger on the pulse" so to speak.

However, I have a serious complaint!

You keep adding to the list of lights that I have to buy (without chipping in any $$$) and you keep failing to tell us the best places to buy!

Rectify this and I'll add you to my Xmas card list..........

Keep up the good work.................
Ran mine for 2:13 when it dropped out of regulation.At 2 hours it was still over 25 000 lux.

Shooting this sucker in the air you see a BRIGHT and TIGHT light saber into the sky...As good as a few HIDs I have tested and own.The beam is actually tighter then my boxer.

On our new sony camera ( video ) I tried to do a shootout of over a dozen lights.I was in some woods on a railroad track. I was shooting at a bridge 900-1200 feet away.Only 1 Non HID made it..the DBS.

Will check video later to see how it worked.I tried with normal and "night shot"

I wish this light was 1 stage OR 1 stage and strobe only.IMO a mega thrower at 30 lumens is as dumb as you can get..OP reflector as well.

Mine lost about 33% throw with the OP..I will never use it again ever.
Now maybee a 1/2 OP 1/2 SM reflector ALA Olight or Ultrastinker would be interesting.

***Side note:
Bumped into some local kids after walk was done.One asked what on earth was that "white laser" that I shot him with.He told me he was walking 1/4 a mile away from us or more when the DBS beam got him right in the eyes.
He said it was painfull and he had issues in the dark for 5 mins ( yea yea yea yea night adapt vision pfffftttt)

I must say ...this is a damn fun light.Im not sure I ever need to spot a car door size object at 1000 feet....but its nice knowing that I can.

Again :

Great light, pull the trigger!:twothumbs

Woodrow: please PM me all you links to all your beamshots.I want to learn the correct way to do them.Like Wade said..This is no WMD story.
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