This is really aimed at Patriot 36, if he still has patience!
In another forum it was stated that the best combination for throw was a Cree XRE and an aspheric lens. Throw and skinny beam is what I'm still aiming for, with some success but still not reaching the target. Wirth the best will in the world I can't reach the $2200 level, so is tere a combination of Cree XRE and aspheric lens available commercially? If not, is tere anything that I can buy and modify myself (bearing in mind my limited knowledge) that would produce what I'm after? I should add that I have an aversion to Maglites,, modified or un-........ I don't know why!
On another, but related, topic, I tried an informal comparison between my Eznite with 4 x RCR 123A Tenergy cells and my Wolf-eyes 24W with 168 R and was astonished to find that the Eznite, with only 10 W was either the equal, or almost the equal, of the 24 W Wolf-eyes. I'm going to try some photos shortly to see whether the comparison stands up, but that EZnite is really something isn't it! I'm going to explore what else JIL makes!
In another forum it was stated that the best combination for throw was a Cree XRE and an aspheric lens. Throw and skinny beam is what I'm still aiming for, with some success but still not reaching the target. Wirth the best will in the world I can't reach the $2200 level, so is tere a combination of Cree XRE and aspheric lens available commercially? If not, is tere anything that I can buy and modify myself (bearing in mind my limited knowledge) that would produce what I'm after? I should add that I have an aversion to Maglites,, modified or un-........ I don't know why!
On another, but related, topic, I tried an informal comparison between my Eznite with 4 x RCR 123A Tenergy cells and my Wolf-eyes 24W with 168 R and was astonished to find that the Eznite, with only 10 W was either the equal, or almost the equal, of the 24 W Wolf-eyes. I'm going to try some photos shortly to see whether the comparison stands up, but that EZnite is really something isn't it! I'm going to explore what else JIL makes!