Tiable ACE MC-E vs. Dereelight DBS MC-E


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 21, 2008
West Tn
I personally plan on buying an MC-E and IMO the DBS and ACE are the two competitors. I think many might feel the same way so I'm making this thread.

Upon seeing beamshots of the DBS MC-E in this (http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=216262) thread I thought the DBS MC-E was pretty powerful..

Then I saw the beamshots of it compared with the ACE MC-E in this (http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=221847) thread and am thinking I was pretty wrong about the DBS.

I did ask twice in the latter thread why the DBS was so dim and got no response.

Does the DBS version have THAT much more flood or is the ACE THAT much better.

I'm hoping someone who has both lights can post some comparison pictures.
It depends on if you can get the DBS MC-E 2.4A or not. It sounds like it might not be available anymore. Comparing the 2.4A to the ACE, the overall output is close, but the ACE has a bit more total output. The ACE has a larger reflector, and when focused for max throw it will out throw the DBS MC-E 2.4A. I got about 12,000LUX for the DBS, 19,000LUX for the ACE.

The DBS MC-E 2.1A would be around 10,000LUX, and another drop in total output.

The DBS is a smaller light, the ACE is a larger light. The ACE should offer better heat sinking for the MC-E which should allow Tiablo to drive it harder.
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It depends on if you can get the DBS MC-E 2.4A or not. It sounds like it might not be available anymore. Comparing the 2.4A to the ACE, the overall output is close, but the ACE has a bit more total output. The ACE has a larger reflector, and when focused for max throw it will out throw the DBS MC-E 2.4A. I got about 12,000LUX for the DBS, 19,000LUX for the ACE.

The DBS MC-E 2.1A would be around 10,000LUX, and another drop in total output.

The DBS is a smaller light, the ACE is a larger light. The ACE should offer better heat sinking for the MC-E which should allow Tiablo to drive it harder.

All I needed to know :)

I planed on buying a DBS MC-E and a DBS R2 to go along with a Tiablo A10 R2 but now I'm going to buy a DBS R2 and an ACE MC-E + an A10 R2.

The pictures of the ACE MC-E blew me away. I really expected the DBS to be brighter. I was more of a Dereelight guy buy I guess I'm better off with one of everything anyway.

Thanks for the fast reply Wade.
While we're on the topic, does anyone know if the ACE Is any brighter running on multiple CR123's than 2x18650? I think it can handle 4 CR123's?
While we're on the topic, does anyone know if the ACE Is any brighter running on multiple CR123's than 2x18650? I think it can handle 4 CR123's?

Visually I cant see any difference in output from 8.4v to 13.2v. the 13.2v was 4 x RCR123 LiFePo4 on open voltage (but there would be some voltage sag under load)

The ACE seems to have very flat regulation from about 4v upwards, at 3.8 it dims very quickly (1 x 18650)

Search said:
I planed on buying a DBS MC-E and a DBS R2 to go along with a Tiablo A10 R2 but now I'm going to buy a DBS R2 and an ACE MC-E + an A10 R2.

I have the DBS R2, ACE MC-E & the A10 R2, they're all exceptionaly good lights with each having their distinct features