Tiablo A8 SE - To get or not to get


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007

I was hoping to get some advice from you all concerning this light. I am about to pull the trigger, but am a little unsure from the mixed reviews I have read, and wanted to get your thoughts before I plunk down $150 for this light + OP reflector.

I want another throw light like my DBS, but I want one with a larger spill - the A8SE seems to fit the bill. However, I have read a few posts about driver issues (flickering) with the A8, and more recent reviews about overall quality issues with the A9 mainly. I've also seen a lot of these Tiablos go up for sale by their owners, which made me wonder. I want the A8 as I read it was brighter with 18650s (which I use), and I like the exposed rear clickie.

- Have those of you that own this light been happy with it overall?
- Is this light built in such a way that the emitter/driver can be upgraded if Tiablo decides to release an upgrade?
- Is there another light with a similar form factor with this much throw I should consider instead?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

The A8 and A9 are essentially identical with the primary difference being their drivers.
For that reason, if you use mostly 18650's, you should definitely go with the A8. If you prefer to use CR123 primaries, the A9 is the better choice (although the A9 will run on the 18650, it's driver is not best optimized for it).

I have the A9s and it's one I wouldn't part with. The build quality of the Tiablos is among the highest, and I have had no problems at all with operation. It's a heckuva thrower, but I'm about to order the OP reflector because I prefer a little more spread.
I can say that I'm extremely happy with it. It's a keeper for the long haul.

The Tiablos can be upgraded, and the mfgr. has said so. But with the Q5 emitters, I wouldn't worry about upgrading until at least R5 or higher.
Really, the A8/A9 packs plenty of lumens, and it would be a great light if you never upgraded it.

As far as other lights, yea, there are plenty of lights in the same form factor. In fact, this form factor seems to have become a "standard" that defines a "class" of it's own, and includes others such as the MRV, DBS, RaidFire, and on and on and on.
Keep in mind that they all use the same emitters (and will all be upgraded at the same time), so the only real variables between them are mainly the build quality and the reflector design.
Other than that, they may have slightly different modes of operation that you might prefer one over the other.

As I said, I have the A9s, my DBS is supposed to be shipping this week, and I will be ordering a new MRV-SE digital when they become available.
So follow my lead, and get the A8 (if you like 18650's), keep the DBS, and then buy more flashlights after that.

After all, you ARE a CPF'er, right?
If you want a thrower with a bigger spillbeam you may want to go with the Lumapower MRV SE. I own a DBS,A9, and a few MRV's. The DBS throws furthest followed by A9 then the MRV. The size of the spillbeams is the opposite: MRV> A9>DBS(mainly because of the size differences in the reflectors). I don't see an easy way of upgrading my A9. Both the DBS and MRV are easily upgradeable(still waiting for a MRV upgrade though). The A8 would run better on an 18650. The MRV will be able to run on 18650,CR123's, and RCR123's. Hope this helps!
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The A8 and A9 are essentially identical with the primary difference being their drivers.
For that reason, if you use mostly 18650's, you should definitely go with the A8. If you prefer to use CR123 primaries, the A9 is the better choice (although the A9 will run on the 18650, it's driver is not best optimized for it).

I have the A9s and it's one I wouldn't part with. The build quality of the Tiablos is among the highest, and I have had no problems at all with operation. It's a heckuva thrower, but I'm about to order the OP reflector because I prefer a little more spread.
I can say that I'm extremely happy with it. It's a keeper for the long haul.

The Tiablos can be upgraded, and the mfgr. has said so. But with the Q5 emitters, I wouldn't worry about upgrading until at least R5 or higher.
Really, the A8/A9 packs plenty of lumens, and it would be a great light if you never upgraded it.

As far as other lights, yea, there are plenty of lights in the same form factor. In fact, this form factor seems to have become a "standard" that defines a "class" of it's own, and includes others such as the MRV, DBS, RaidFire, and on and on and on.
Keep in mind that they all use the same emitters (and will all be upgraded at the same time), so the only real variables between them are mainly the build quality and the reflector design.
Other than that, they may have slightly different modes of operation that you might prefer one over the other.

As I said, I have the A9s, my DBS is supposed to be shipping this week, and I will be ordering a new MRV-SE digital when they become available.
So follow my lead, and get the A8 (if you like 18650's), keep the DBS, and then buy more flashlights after that.

After all, you ARE a CPF'er, right?

Thanks to both of you for the info - glad to hear its a keeper for you Zenster. I do want a bigger spill, but I still want the most throwing power possible.

I am very interested in the potential future upgradeability of this light. Not that I'll need to for a while, but I don't want to have to spend another $150 for the brigher version when the R5's are out - and you know I'll want one! You mentioned that the mfr said it could be upgraded - was that on this forum or their website, and can you point me to it? I'd like to read more about that and what it might entail. I've read other posts where the driver needed to be replaced due to flickering, and it sounded like the customer was just sent a new module or something. But from what Steve L mentioned it doesn't sound like there is an easily removeable/replaceable module.

Thanks again for the insights.
When it comes to upgrades, this is what I meant. When I take the bezel and reflector off the A9 there is a black plastic cover over the light engine. The only way I see of getting it off is by drilling 2 holes in it then inserting something sharp and either unscrewing it or popping it out. At this point I would be at the light engine. I am not sure whether it would unscrew or if it's pressed-fit in. The DBS upgrades by unscrewing the pill and putting a new one on(30 seconds). For the MRV you would unscrew the light engine(shiny part) and put a new one on(30 seconds). One other difference that might matter to you is the way you select brightness levels. On the MRV you full click for on, and tighten the battery tube for high, loosen it for low. For the A9 you full click for low, then full click for high, then another full click for off.
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I am very interested in the potential future upgradeability of this light. Not that I'll need to for a while, but I don't want to have to spend another $150 for the brigher version when the R5's are out - and you know I'll want one! You mentioned that the mfr said it could be upgraded - was that on this forum or their website, and can you point me to it?
Thanks again for the insights.

Check post #143 in this link:

Contact them directly and perhaps ask for some more clarification about it.
Check post #143 in this link:

Contact them directly and perhaps ask for some more clarification about it.
Thanks. I sent Tiablo a PM to see if the current A8SE light is built to be able to accept an upgraded module at a later time. Hopefully they'll respond back soon 'cause I'm dying to get this thing ordered!

I just saw something very promising along the upgrade lines in SefaunFS' review of the A8. He has it disassembled, and the light engine is lying beside the battery tube completely separated. And from the images it doesn't look like he had to do any drilling or major surgery to remove it. Am I looking at this right? If so, then the potential for an easy upgrade is there assuming they decide to provide upgraded engines for Tiablo owners.


I think that if Tiablo wants to maintain their standing against the DBS and MRV which are both upgradeable, and who's owners will be upgrading to R-bins early next year, they will need to follow suit. And if StefaunFS' images are any indication, that door is open for the Tiablo! :rock:
Sorry rpshank, my mistake. Until I saw that picture I didn't realize that the battery tube unscrewed there(mine was extremely tight!). In my defense, I remembered Stefan mentioned if you wanted to just change the driver, you would have to remove the black plastic cover in the way that I mentioned. Got it all jumbled up in my memory banks. You learn something new everyday!
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Sorry, my mistake. Until I saw that picture I didn't realize that the battery tube unscrewed there(mine was extremely tight). In my defense, Stefan mentioned if you wanted to just change the LED, you would have to remove the black plastic cover in the way that I mentioned. You learn something new everyday!

From what I've seen, and for the most part, upgrades are typically done as pills or modules and not so often just the LED itself.
That makes sense because a different LED may very well require that it be driven differently due to changes in LED specs other than just lumen increase.

I think it's safe to say that any light made can be upgraded. The entire question of upgradeability, however, lies in the hands of the manufacturers themselves, and if they intend to offer upgrades for their lights.
Since Tiablo and Lumipower (among many others) have said that they will offer upgrades, and they don't, then they would be shooting themselves in the foot for future sales of their product line due to a PR problem involving credibility.

Then there's the other upgrade path where a manufacturer will make a light that uses a "standard" such as the P60 design module. That's exemplified by Deree where they use a module design that will fit other lights as well, so you might be able to buy a light from a company that has never offered upgrades, but you could still do so with one from another manufacturer.

Lot's of ways to go...
I have upgraded both Tiablos and MRV's with both CREE Q5 emitters and in some cases new drivers as well. It's not hard to do at all if you know how to solder and have access to thermal epoxy and some basic tools. It's cheap to upgrade this way, my upgrades cost me $10 for the emitter and another few dollars for the driver. Both the MRV and Tiablo stock drivers were able to handle the Q5 upgrade with no problems.

This guide is meant for upgrading a D-mini. But the procedure is the same with Tiablo & MRV, the only difference is that they have larger led pills/heatsinks.

I can attest to StefanFS's comments as I just modded my MRV with a Q5 last night. My soldering skills are pretty crude and I had no problems although I needed a dremel to fit the star.
Thanks for the insights guys....Tiablo ordered! Let's hope they'll offer light engine upgrades by the time R5 bins are here next year. If not, I may have to try my hand at Stefans do-it-yourself method! :)
