Tiablo A9, XR-E to SSC P7 Advice


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2008
Hello fellow CPF members.

Just recently i've purchased myself a Tiablo A9 from DX to find out that it was one of the fake models :mad: (If someone knows the final word a pm would be kewl - i'm just curious to see what happened).

Anyhow, back to topic. As I dismantle a vast number of things to get a feel for they are constructed I have done the same with my A9 and in the process lifted the XR-E's lense and now it has air bubbles underneath :ohgeez:. Anyhow, rather than just buying a new one LED I figure I may aswell upgrade it at the same time.

In my traditional style i've skipped straight to the idea of bigger is better, and of course i'm looking at the SSC-P7.

I've seen an very well done A8 done by StefanFS. Very Nice! :rock:

Naturally I'll be using 18650 cells(for improved life over 16340's) and thus will be going the way of current regulation(naturally matching up my P7 with the voltage band of my battery). However, rather than employing the same method of driving the P7 seen stefanFS' A8, i was thinking of going something with a bit more option in terms of performance range.

The Aforementiond Multi-level driver.

Rather than having two settings of Flameflower and "still rediculous" i was thinking of driving levels of around 2.8A (Max) - 1.4A (Med) - 0.7A (Low) which would still provide a large lumen count when wanted, but also give me a some respectable battery life when I don't need/need all those lumens.

I've looked around for a while with no success(it doesn't help that my internet is capped atm, 64k! - ouch). The main question would be is a single driver like this available?

If not, I have seen darkzero's "bigmac", and yes, while i know it probably won't fit in an A9(or at least easily - those boards in that pic look larger than most), would anyone be able to suggest two or three boards that can fit the quota?

Darkzero's bigmac design of joining boards seems to be more suited to my application, but I'm no driver expert, so any pointers would be helpful.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. :twothumbs:

I modded an A9 with a P7 and Tri-Flupic (in parallel). I drilled out the original reflector with a stepped drill bit to accomodate the larger LED. After removing the CREE star, the Seoul P7 fit very well for height.

I removed the original driver and used thermal epoxy to adhere the Tri-Flupic in place. I had to use the anode contact post from the original driver board after trimming it to fit, and soldered that onto the Flupic. The plastic retaining ring that covers the driver was used to center the contact before soldering.

I used Arctic Alumina to adhere the LED in the head. It was really easy to center using the reflector. (Watch your polarity on the LED.) When the AA has cured, solder the leads into place. Check for any shorts, and test your work.

It was wicked bright on high. The throw was impressive for using an OP reflector, and the spill was unreal.

This seems like a good use of a fake Tiablo. I do not know if the reflectors are the same. That could affect your beam quality and throw significantly.

Good luck, and have fun!
If i wanted to have three boards in parallel to power this p7 i can use these boards.


Naturally since they are in parallel their output voltage won't stack, but their amperage will allowing me to reach the required 2.8Aamps with the standard supply voltage of the battery 3.7V.

But, then the board has 5 modes, I can assume that my hi-lo-off switch that my A9 currently has wouldn't work, what kind of switch would i need, a momentarily off one?