Tiny lens substitute?? or ANYONE got one laying with a dead greeny?!?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2006
....yep, I just HAVE to constantly mess with things don't I :ohgeez: :xyxgun:
Tha Rundown:
I JUST got this new laser.. >and I/it ACTUALLY POPPED A DANG BALLOON!!< :rock:
(I know...."Ooh, WoW" :goodjob: , right?! :p ;-) and the same first day (yesterday).......

......so after I had realized it had gone down the sink drain :ohgeez: I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000!?!?!?!?!"
(oh & yeah, ...did that, nuthin' but nasty water and :huh2: in those pipes :candle: :barf: )

I can take pictures of the gold threaded encasing-ring that the lens was glued/gooed in (poorly), & whatknot_ if it will help you (NE1) to help me :)

....but yeah, basically the lens is/was about the same diameter as the hole in the tip of the laser (see pics for reference) & was the last optic that the laser would pass through (pretty much right at the tip under the cap)
Now I've been scrounging through all of my salvaged 'goodies' I can find of mine in the 'optics department' and though I have found a few lenses that fit into the old lens's threaded ring fitting, none have come close to producing the beam, A beam (or dot) of any sorts.


1) is there ANY sort of scavenge-able/easy to obtain lens that would suffice as a replacement?!? :huh2:

2) Is there ANYONE here that has a greeny that's....... dead/fried/"no longer with us"__ just layin' around ((that does OR doesn't look like the one pictured, but mainly has a potential donor lens that might work)) AND would possibly be so kind as to help me to......... um.... to POP BALLOONS! :rock: :p Lol.....fix my greeny?? Will pay!!

(of course knowing exactly what type/kind/etc. of lens in question will GREATLY improve the odds of you tryin' to answer either, so refer to the pictures, THAT's a spittin' image of this here laser! seen one? got one? a dead one?-> want a friend? :sold: :laughing: )

Thanks in advance you guys! I really appreciate any input that's given. :)

(& thanks for makin' it through my short post ;) )


So you did check the trap with no luck? Did you check the sink-stopper-up-down mechanism in the pipe immediately below the sink? Unless a lot of water went down the drain, I doubt something that small and heavy would make it through the trap.
Sorry to be the bringer of more bad news, but I just thought I should mention that that's one of those scam Spymode 'eBayers'. Since they are not IR filtered, take the mWattage the seller said, divide it by some number between 2-10, and that's going to be closer to the TRUE green output.
pseudonomen137 said:
Sorry to be the bringer of more bad news, but I just thought I should mention that that's one of those scam Spymode 'eBayers'. Since they are not IR filtered, take the mWattage the seller said, divide it by some number between 2-10, and that's going to be closer to the TRUE green output.

Oh, I have no idea who the seller is that listed those pics, I just did a quick search on ebay to find any linkable pics to give a visual aspect to what kind/looking laser I refer to, I didn't look at the name of the seller (I might have) but I do know that it wasn't anyone I've ever done business with! Thanks though for the warning mang! :)


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