TIP: Old Mobile phone as kitchen timer


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
For a couple of years now I have been using an old mobile phone as a kitchen timer.

Specifically, a Nokia 3310, timer menu 115, using an old SIM card, (and these can be free in UK)

SIM necessary for phone to switch on OK.

Problem...usual kitchen timers run to 1 hour, clockwork and quiet.

OK for quick wash in washing machine.

Normal wash takes just under 2 hours, so you tend to forget about it.

Then I realised my old Nokia had a built in countdown timer, not only can you set it to quite long periods, but it has a really loud alarm you can hear all over the house.

Menu selection on 3310 is 1 1 5 to get to timer.

I usually set to 2:22, or 2:11, for a bit of a buffer, and it's really quick to set up using these repeated numbers.

It also displays time left, for rough guide.

Of course, with newer phones, with programmable "Soft" keys, you can go straight to timer menu.

Second tip: switch phone on before you load up machine, time taken to load machine = time for phone to switch on fully.

Brill, works a treat.

Must go, I can hear it now !!
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Re: TIP: Old Mobile phone as timer

That also happens to be one of the two ways terrorists use cellphones to set off bombs.
Re: TIP: Old Mobile phone as timer

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My problem is I usually lose the cellphone. All I have are old used chargers. :(

I think my old ericsson fell out of my pocket into a trash bag. I called it for a few days till it's battery expired. Never did hear/find it.

Well I didn't like that phone anyway.

I could use my boss' crackberry. I got it for parts (charger, battery) since he sat on it once too often. If it has a timer I may be able to see around the screen crack enough to use it. :lolsign:
Pellidon said:
My problem is I usually lose the cellphone. All I have are old used chargers. :(

I think my old ericsson fell out of my pocket into a trash bag. I called it for a few days till it's battery expired. Never did hear/find it.

Well I didn't like that phone anyway.

I could use my boss' crackberry. I got it for parts (charger, battery) since he sat on it once too often. If it has a timer I may be able to see around the screen crack enough to use it. :lolsign:
That is extremely funny!

It is also completely true to life. My wife spends a lot of time going round the house listening for her cellphone ringing. She's usually left it in a handbag but can't remember which one of the ~500 she has, and it isn't switched on anyway, or if it is the battery's flat. One time she DID find it in with the trash.

For myself, I have dozens of old chargers, and no idea what they are all for, all different jacks, plugs, voltages etc, but the one time I threw one of them away I discovered later it was for something I still used ...
I wish my phone had a timer on it. I keep needing that feature from time to time and have to run for the stopwatch somewhere in the house. It's never in the same place I left it.

That feature should be standard on all new cells.
DM51 said:
For myself, I have dozens of old chargers, and no idea what they are all for, all different jacks, plugs, voltages etc, but the one time I threw one of them away I discovered later it was for something I still used ...

Been there, done that.

I now label my chargers as soon as I get them !!

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