Titan T1A

It says "Price not yet announced".. However, I'd be really interested to see who would pay a penny shy of 100 grand for a flashlight!
$300 and below, then yes. $300-400 is iffy, and $400 and above..... maybe. maybe yes. cretainly yes. 100% yes. i hope my wallet will forgive me...:mecry:
I am definitely in the lookout for the T1A, though I wouldn't pay $300 for it. UA2 is another light that I need to add to my arsenal.
Hmm, I don't think so. If it was made by a modder I'd be more interested. Coming from a big company like Surefire it seems almost like buying a Swiss watch from the LVMH consortium. A very nice product to be sure, but the excitement is diminished by the number of intermediaries between the flashaholics who buy it and the flashaholics who design or build it. Buying flashlights this expensive is basically like buying artwork, and it's a lot more palatable when the expenditure is going straight to the source of the creativity, than going to some corporation with shareholders and marketing departments at the front end. The Surefire that interests me the most is the E1B.
Probably not. I do wish I had picked up an original before the prices went nuts.

It says they will be black HA. That's probably a good idea as bare aluminum will show "character" very quickly. I bought a Lummi Raw Al and after carrying it a couple of weeks, it is starting to mar. Now in the case of this light, I fully expected and wanted this to happen - but some folks might not be so pleased to have their $300+ Surefire beat up and looking used.
In all honesty, probably not. I have other priorities to take care of now. I already have a reliable light that covers my needs, and I am planning on two purchases of lights this year, each has a purpose. Possibly a third as the light in my car's glovebox is just a plain 2D cheap incan.
I wonder what they would do if a multi-millionaire with too much time on his hands bought it?

There seems to be a bit of speculation on the price, so let me repeat what I posted months ago on a thread just about that - SF's MSRP will be $150-$200.
No, I already have a Gatlight. I am glad to see a more affordable version offered though.
haha, well considering my credit limit is not that high i cant. but if it was, i would consider it. :nana:
seriously though, i think it would be great to have the Titan
Maybe, depends on the cost and usually I wait for the reviews as well. I have way too many lights as it is, needing another one is pretty pointless. But since it is a "Surefire" after all I'll have to at least look at one.
It's only $94,995.05 using CPF2006 :naughty:

Well that changes EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

some one call seinfeld (sp?) he has an American Express Black card... thats the one you get invited to, so you can pretty much buy anything you want:eek:oo:
