Not to get off topic, just curious, is there any material that works better?
I read somewhere on the forums that "you can't solder to uncoated aluminum". What kind of coating can be put on aluminum that allows you to solder to it?
I'm just curious because it seems like most lights use the aluminum body as ground, but it can be problematic establishing a reliable permanent ground point because of aluminum's tendency to develop a layer of oxide. Most of my lights at some point in their life have needed either the threads or tail end cleaned to re-establish a good ground. I'm not sure how flashlight manufacturers insure a good solid ground point to the body of the light that won't become resistive over time due to corrosion.
Can anyone explain how they do it? Do they usually just use a screw into the aluminum and tie a wire to it, and is that method foolproof?
It just seems like it would be nice to have a flashlight body material that conducts heat and electricity well, but can be soldered onto. Is there such thing? Copper flashlights might not be very durable