TK10 lights up the street!


May 27, 2008
I came home just before driving into my court, to find most of my neighbours cars broken into.
As I was driving home, someone near our court was leaning against a for sale sign. I thought it was a bit suss for someone at this hour (3am) to be doing such.
Though I didn't take much notice. As I drove into our street I found my neighbours truck door WIDE open. I thought he was going to work as he does early in the morning, but just to make sure I walked over to the car to find ALL the stuff in the car thrown everywhere with the glove box area broken.
I quickly ran to my car to grab my TK10 and started searching around more, and I found another neighbours car door wide open. This is were I quickly ran back into the house to alert my dad what happened and he came running outside.
We went to all three houses to knock on there door to tell them what happened.
When they all got out, in ALL they had broken into 5 cars in our court.

There is a alley way near our place and with the TK10 and other neighbours we started going through to find all there stuff thrown everywhere.
After that I pretty much became centre of attention with my flashlight with everyone calling me over to light up the place and inside of their cars.
It just shows that one day these lights do come in handy and it feels so good to be ready for it.

I'm just bummed out I actually drove straight past the thief. I have no doubt in my mind it was him! Who at 3am would lean against a for sale? Also, when I went back down to check there, he was not there. No car came to pick him up. No car came nor left. So I'm pretty sure as soon as I turned the corner he bolted for it.
Not to mention some other papers on the floor where the for sale sign was.
Bad news is our neighbours GPS and computer was stollen from his truck :(

I gotta say though, without the TK10 we would not have found all the stuff and had it as easy. Because of this, I just went and ordered a TK11 R2, just couldnt resist it. When times like this come. One light is just not enough.
So keep a watchful eye on people and your neighbourhood. 5 cars just got robbed 1 hour ago and thanks to my perfect timing they ran off and not to forget my flashlight that helped out in this process.

Would like to hear similar stories from others!
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Take a gun with your light.

When you went to get your light, you should have gotten a gun also. You got to be careful. Don't go sticking your nose in an in progress crime without thinking about your safety. Granted, most suspects in property crimes are going to run rather than fight, but you have to be prepared to use a justified/legal amount of force when necessary.
I'm all for citizens fighting back..

However, what he did was the best option.

Front Page:

Local man shot and killed burglery suspect when the man found the crook pilliging through cars.

You would go to jail lol.
I'm all for citizens fighting back..

However, what he did was the best option.

Front Page:

Local man shot and killed burglery suspect when the man found the crook pilliging through cars.

You would go to jail lol.

Hey id go for that headline any day over "Local man shot after finding a burglar rummaging through cars"

That is a pretty good story though. Sucks that there are people in the world like that though. :shakehead I had a cell phone and GPS stolen a few years ago not to mention a much worse altercation that followed but long story short your always better safe then sorry. Somebody rummaging through cars could just be a dumba$$ teenager or worst case could be a desperate crackhead more than willing to do harm to you. Just be safe and next time id call 5.0 then go out to check everything out.

OR you could go buy you a 6D mag and the headlight could read "local man beats would be attacker sensless with flashlight":twak:
Yeah, I did not approach the cars. The TK10 was enough to light up both cars from a distance. Once I realised no one was in them and found things all over the floor and other cars door slightly 'ajar' thats when it sank in this was a robbery and some thief decided to go rummaging through them.
Just happy that I was still able to get a glimpse of this thug/criminal.
I sleep with a P7 2.8a Flashlight right by me and a Pistol. Your better off having both for scenarios like this!!!!!!
Fortunately and unfortunately (depends how you see it), guns are not legalized in my country. Hmmm.... now that old school 6D Maglite that's hanging at the DIY store looks tempting... :twak:
I sleep with a P7 2.8a Flashlight right by me and a Pistol. Your better off having both for scenarios like this!!!!!!
Haha! I wish mate. When I was in a situation like this, I really did feel like an open target helplessly walking around with a flashlight. But once I knocked on all the houses about 10 people were in the street at 3am and me the only one with a flashlight :candle:
It was amazing though how badly I needed the extra throw like a TK11. The TK10 is good for flood but in a area like mine you need throw but good spill, thats what the TK11 will provide me once I get on monday. :D:D. Ahh not to mention the extra run time with my 18650 AW's. I'm always worried the 1 hour of use on turbo on the TK10 will just cut off on me at the most important time.
I do have extra AW's but when in a situation like this its very annoying thumbling around with 4 batteries.