TK10 or MA6??


Newly Enlightened
Nov 30, 2007
Trying to decide between the fenix tk10 and the tiablo the extra $20 worth it for the tiablo?

Search a little more in these threads. I believe the MA6 has alot more throw. There are even some side by side beam shots somewhere on here if I'm correct. The MA6 offers so many more UI options as well. I'm going to make this my "smaller" thrower to put in my glove box and then get a Dereelight DBS V2 for my dedicated thrower.

As the search engine is down right now, you'll have to use the Google search at the top of the page. Good luck.

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This isn't a matter of price, but what you want.

For overall brightness, they are about the same. The Fenix might be a tiny bit brighter, but definitely not visibly.

For throw, it's the MA6. Not even close. But the TK10 does have a decent amount of throw.

For UI, the Fenix is simpler and can be set while off. The MA6's multimode switch is satisfactory - while it cannot be set while off, you can set which mode it comes on in. It also has more modes, if you prefer that. They both come with tactical switches, useable on both of the TK10's levels but only high for the MA6.

Build quality is near perfect on both lights. Tiablo has usually been a bit flimsy, but they got it just right on the MA6. However, the TK10 is much more robust, with thicker walls etc.

TK10 has a smoother beam pattern. They both have very useful spill. TK10 is more efficient, but the MA6's efficiency is definitely not a problem.

I own a Tiablo MA6, and could not be more satisfied for a compact (er than a DBS) thrower. I plan to purchase a TK10 some time in the future as an all-purpose light. Most of the traits balance out, so its for you to decide: to throw or not to throw?
Unless I have this wrong, the MA6 is designed for use with a rechargeable where the TK-10 takes them but you give up a little brightness? If I have that right, that's something to consider.
Unless I have this wrong, the MA6 is designed for use with a rechargeable where the TK-10 takes them but you give up a little brightness? If I have that right, that's something to consider.

The brightness of the TK10 is about the same on both primaries and rechargable Li-Ion's, but runtime is quite a bit shorter on rechargables. Check out:
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I just noticed that the TK10 is dimmer if you burn it on one 17670 cell but it is about the same on two cells.
Having had the MA6, I would say that if you planned on using the light for 1/2 an hour or so nightly, thats the light I would get. Simply because of its good output with a 17670. Less use and I would most likely pick the fenix. Both are good lights.
I would suggest the MA6....

Played with the tk10 and really didnt care for it (my prefrance) the MA6 outthrows the tk10 hands down and that is running the textured reflector.

As far as the 17670 goes I havent really had the money to jump into that but it was reviewed to run very well on them....I personally run it on titanium cells and it has never let me down as far as runtime or cost efect on those cells.

p.s. In my opinion the holster that comes with the MA6 was crap (bezel down carry I DO NOT LIKE I work with metal and get alot of shavings in the holster) but i did find out that it fits almost perfectly in a surefire u2 ultra holster
p.s. In my opinion the holster that comes with the MA6 was crap (bezel down carry I DO NOT LIKE I work with metal and get alot of shavings in the holster) but i did find out that it fits almost perfectly in a surefire u2 ultra holster

I've only used the holster once and liked it a lot. It seems to be built sturdily, and I like the velcro attachment option, so I can use built-in belts (like in hiking clothing). But I can see hating it for more intense use, as it would collect shavings etc, and the bezel is a pretty tight fit. Really the only flaw for casual use IMO is that the button to secure the light is too tight to clip one-handed.
yeah dont get me wrong for a freebie it is very nice (alot nicer than others i have seen) but the snap closure until you have used the holster quite a bit is to hard to do one handed but after awhile it works well

I do have to give tiablo thier props for including all the acc. but re-thinking the holster would be sweet!!!!!

on another note to make the tiablo ma6 even beter the surefire fm64 fits perfectly to give you the best of both worlds!!!!
I would suggest the MA6....

Played with the tk10 and really didnt care for it (my prefrance) the MA6 outthrows the tk10 hands down and that is running the textured reflector.

As far as the 17670 goes I havent really had the money to jump into that but it was reviewed to run very well on them....I personally run it on titanium cells and it has never let me down as far as runtime or cost efect on those cells.

A Maglite out throws the TK10 but that don't make it a better light.
The TK10 has very good runtimes on primarie CR123's which perform much better in freezing tempetures that Li-Ion RCR123's. If your in the field you aint gonna be able to recharge anyway so you will need a light that has good runtime on primamries and if it's cold yo will get better performance. Ever use a cellphone in extreme cold conditions? Most cellphones use Li-Ion batteries.
A Maglite out throws the TK10 but that don't make it a better light.
The TK10 has very good runtimes on primarie CR123's which perform much better in freezing tempetures that Li-Ion RCR123's. If your in the field you aint gonna be able to recharge anyway so you will need a light that has good runtime on primamries and if it's cold yo will get better performance. Ever use a cellphone in extreme cold conditions? Most cellphones use Li-Ion batteries.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Li-Ions work fine to -25 Celsius degrees (-13F). How many times have you left your flashlight on the snow (assuming there's snow when it's so cold), below that temperature, switched off? About runtime, yes RCR123 will give you shorter runtime that's why forget about TK10 and get something that works fine with single Li-Ion (e.g. 18650). You'll get up to 50% better runtime and you can have another cell as a spare.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Li-Ions work fine to -25 Celsius degrees (-13F). How many times have you left your flashlight on the snow (assuming there's snow when it's so cold), below that temperature, switched off? About runtime, yes RCR123 will give you shorter runtime that's why forget about TK10 and get something that works fine with single Li-Ion (e.g. 18650). You'll get up to 50% better runtime and you can have another cell as a spare.

I'm not sure why you put two little laughing icons on his quote, phantom but there is nothing wrong with what he said. He didn't say the lions wouldn't work, he said the capacity would be reduced, which is absolutely true. The other problem is with high temps like when a light is left in a car in the summer months. You will not lose capacity like you do in the freezing temps but you will shorten the life of a FULLY CHARGED lithium ion if you repeatedly subject it to the high heat of a car in the summer in areas where it gets hot.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Li-Ions work fine to -25 Celsius degrees (-13F). How many times have you left your flashlight on the snow (assuming there's snow when it's so cold), below that temperature, switched off? About runtime, yes RCR123 will give you shorter runtime that's why forget about TK10 and get something that works fine with single Li-Ion (e.g. 18650). You'll get up to 50% better runtime and you can have another cell as a spare.

Lithium-ion works within the discharge temperature limits of -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F). The performance is temperature based, meaning that the rate capability at or below -20°C is reduced due to the increased impedance of the electrolyte.
Discharging at low temperatures does not harm the battery. Lithium-ion may be used down to -30°C (-22°F) with acceptable results.

Larger packs will be necessary to compensate for the reduced capacity at these temperatures.

I really don't think the performance of Li-Ion batteries in the cold is that big a deal myself.

I do like the runtimes that 18650's offer over RCR123's but I can carry a bunch of primary CR123's into the field whereas it would not be too practacle or affordable to carry a bunch of rechargable batteries out where you cannot recharge.