TK10 vs TK11


Newly Enlightened
Jul 19, 2008
Hi all first post.
Well to get to the point I ordered a tk11 and bought some 18650's and a charger from a different sorce and was sent a tk10. I've read here that some people arn't that impressed with the tk11. So my question is should I keep the tk10 and save the batteries for a future purchase or keep on them about an exchange. They told me they were sending a mailing lable but it's been two weeks and natta. Any advice would be appreciated
It depends on what you prefer. I personally like the TK10 over the TK11 because I'm a floody guy. The ring artifacts from the smooth reflector are annoying... even if you're not a whitewaller. I like the new body style, but until they offer a TK11 with an orange peel reflector I'll stick to my TK10. I'd LOVE the 18650 option, but I just can't get past the beam artifacts. My 2 cents.
I have a TK11 and apart from the superb throw I now enjoy, the rechargeable option is making this light my 'go to' light for lots of things.

Previously, due to their cost, my lights that rely on primary cr123a batts have been used only sparingly. But if you can afford the batts, then maybe you're all set with the TK10.

Alternatively, if you don't mind the cost of the primaries, and you have some spare cash, why not get the TK11 too!!!:devil:

Be lucky...
Hi Hook63 and :welcome:

I have a TK10 which I use with primaries. It is also possible to use RCR123 batteries that you can easily find here.

Remember that with the TK10's orange peel reflector you lose something in pure throw but get a cleaner beam than with TK11's smooth reflector. More useful in the real world in my opinion. :cool:

ive got the TK10, and bought some re-chargables. cant fault it, its fantastic. ive also removed the tactical ring, as far as i can see itspretty much pointless!
As for the comments about the orange peel reflector being "more useful in the real world," I call BS.

Yeah, beam artifacts may bother some people, but these aren't horrible beam artifacts like an old Mag lite.

I would take the extra throw and the battery system offered by the TK11 any day. Lack of MINOR beam artifacts is the ONLY advantage of the 10, and in my opinion, that isn't much of an advantage at all.
Go for the 11!

See I like smooth reflectors, you got the throw when you need it and with a little bit of LDF you can have the flood whenever you want it too.

At this current deep stage of flashaholism I just have smooth lights or optics for outside throw and MOP lights for inside work. And everything in between like frosted lenses on MOP lights and LDF over optics, etc, etc, etc!
i don't own any of the two, but i'd rather go with a farther throw, but that's just me.

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