TK11,M20 warrior or lenser T7?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2008
I have managed to narrow down my last purchase (at least till something new comes out to tempt) to one of the above but need a little info.
I understand all the pitfalls of all 3 types, i have a lenser v2 (edc),and a slippery p3d , no olight tho.The tk11 and m20 will be used on std CR123a's

Question is: on fresh disposable batteries and a smo in the M20, which is the best thrower / spot , and does anyone know approx what the "lo" lumens is on the T7/P7 :thinking:
I just saw a site that said that the low mode is 15% of the high.. so that should make it around 25 lumens.
As for the throw, I remember someone saying here that LL P7 had better throw than TK10, but I don't know how much difference there is between TK10 and TK11..
That's a lot of hearsay and assumptions, but at least some of it must be correct, right? :laughing:
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1. Olight
2. LL
3. TK11

TK11 has higher lux number but LL optics works better at longer distances.
I have the M20 Premium w/OP. I like to use RCR123 cells for much cheaper operation than CR123a cells. Plenty of volts and with a spare battery tube easy reload for running longer periods. 2 x CR123a cells make a good backup, but primaries go flat and new ones need to be purchased - why not go rechargeable? Buy 2 spare battery tubes, load the M20 with 2 x RCR123, load spare tube with the same and 2nd spare tube with 2 x CR123a - voila batteries sorted!

My M20 premium with OP is a very good thrower, especially with 2 x CR123 (primary or rechargeable), a little less powerful if running on a 18650 LiIon. The SMO would presumable be a little better throw.

Sorry, I haven't tried the other 2 to compare.
For the TK11(which is my EDC) open the package(if you can) and make sure the LED is centered.
Only seen a couple with that problem, but better safe then sorry.:rock:
For the TK11(which is my EDC) open the package(if you can) and make sure the LED is centered.
Only seen a couple with that problem, but better safe then sorry.:rock:

Happened with my M20. I guess it is something to check on any Cree light, although this is the first off-centered emitter I've ever had. And it's really bad!