TK40 or what?


Dec 5, 2007
I keep going back and forth on this. I've been ready to order this light a couple times, but I end up talking myself out of it. Please help...
OK, I'll help. Buy it!

My girlfriend got me the TK30 and it's now the light I grab most often! [other than my EDC]

I get a silly grin on my face every time I light up the land around my house.

I'd say it's my current favorite, and for me to say that, that's sayin' a lot!!!:thumbsup:
Don't talk yourself out of it.

The TK40 is a great light. It's so versatile it's not funny and it's a great show off light if that's all you want it for.

I'm going camping this weekend and there's three (or more) lights going with me: El cheapo head light (doesn't really count), EX10, E20 and the TK40.

If I could only take one (which I can't understand why that would ever happen), then it would be the TK40.

Do not resist, it isn't a sin.
I was in your position at one time. I can understand what you are thinking. I got it with impresson that I could return it if I wasn't impressed. I never returned. It is pretty close to my favorite light. I own 37 (soon to be 41 in another week) premium lights and the TK40 is in my Top 3. Buy it. Trust someone who knows what you are going through. :thumbsup:
Why not wait for a little while and get yourself the TK45. It will come out this april and it will be brighter and better than the TK40.
I am pretty sure that most of the responses here will be from enablers.

Ask yourself exactly WHY you 'need' this light?

What lights do you already have? Do you just have cheap crap? If so, the TK40 is a fantastic choice, as is the cheaper itp A6 Polestar (which is more floody, less throw). If you already have a slew of good lights though, what will this one give you that the other ones don't?

Since they use AAs, you can get a charger (get a 6 or 8 port one hopefully) and a bunch of eneloop rechargables. You can also use these around the house for other things.
This is nice because having 18650s laying around is totally worthless, except for the flashlight.

You might want to consider an EDC or every day carry light. I carry an itp A1 on my keychain. It can crank out around 250 lumens with a fully charged RCR123 battery and is 2.3 inches long, 0.8 inch diameter. With this light, I always have it handy and I havent really needed my 'main' light.
For 32 bucks (stainless) or less, this is a nice way to go. You can buy a big pack of CR123 batteries and not have to worry about a charger IF you don't plan on using it on a daily basis. Otherwise, you might want to get a charger and a RCR123 or two.
The last thing we need here is the voice of reason in these forums. Please ignore the previous poster as there's obviously something wrong with him. :D

I'd go with the "wait for the TK45" suggestion, and read the comparisons with the TK40 when they come out... then pounce on the one you like better.
I have a TK-40, my first decent led-flashlight after my last purchase an incan 3D-maglite. So I was pleased and impressed with it at first, use it since 'around the house'. I dislike chargers, if you don't mind chargers I think there would be plenty cheaper torches with equal performorance.

I like the build quality, really fine and neat, engineered but not overstyled.
Its not heavy, especially not compared to incan lights.
I like the modes but never use them, wont ever use the flashmodes neither.
Its throw and beam are pleasant and usefull; bright spot with usuable spill.

But damn, the price... Look around to see what else is AA-driven.
I have the tk30... i think it may be the most perfect amount of hotspot vs spill... really beautiful beam.

You won't regret it.
Just clear your mind, take a deep breath, count to three and order it.
Once you have the TK40 in your hand, you will kick yourself for not buying it earlier.

You know the old proverb, "It took a lickin' and kept on tickin'", well this applies perfectly to the TK40. Apart from how bright these are, have you seen how tough they are? Check out the following link and remove all doubts about buying one:

If this doesn't reinforce the fact that you must have one, then all hope is lost.

Buy it :twothumbs

In all seriousness though, BUY IT !!
I purchased this light about a month and a half ago. Trust me Loanshark, the light is a thing of beauty. The majority of the time I either have it on low or mid and those two levels provide more than enough light for most applications. If you are ever in need of more light, you have two brighter levels. I got mine off of and you should too! ;)
I like the TK40 so much I have 3 of them and the first one I bought has the highest output. All three are brighter than my TK30. I love being able to power it with AA batteries. It will run just fine on 4 AAs in an emergency and I've run mine for over 30 minutes that way using Eneloop batteries. I never put alkaline in the light but nice to know I could in a pinch.
Would the TK40 easily light up a subject at 200+ yards, or would it be fading out by then? I'm also interested in the Jetbeam RRT-1. For my application I am looking for good throw, but enough spill to provide you with some situational awareness between myself and the 200+ yard subject.

Hoping the answer to these questions will support the info wanted by the original poster.
I like several others have both the TK30 and the TK40.I keep the TK40 in the kitchen so that the whole family can use it. Personally I prefer the TK30, it's lighter but you have to like 18650 batteries where as the TK40 loves the cheep AA rechargeable batteries.

Willing to spend $150
night field work with my dogs
easily light up a subject at 200+ yards

After seeing your requirements in posting #19, I don't feel that the
TK30 or TK40 will meet your expectations.
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I think we're missing a few answers to some very important questions before this question can be answered.

Like what you intend to use it for?
How much are you willing to spend?
How long do you plan to use it?

One reason why I opted for a custom light is because a lot of the makers will have ridiculous amounts of "new models" in a short amount of time. I've seen so many different models of Fenix lights that my head is still spinning. With "new" LEDs, I simply buy a new P60 drop-in and switch it out(might be cheaper that way too).

With this new TK45 coming out, you might kick yourself for buying the TK40 instead later on.

However, with people have been saying about the TK40, I have little doubt that you'll get your money's worth. Just so long as you're not the type to toss out the old "last years" model and immediately buy the "new and improved" one the second it comes out. Your wallet will suffer if you do.
I will keep what ever I buy for many years. Willing to spend $150. I will use the light for boating and evening & night field work with my dogs.

Would the TK40 easily light up a subject at 200+ yards, or would it be fading out by then? I'm also interested in the Jetbeam RRT-1.

For my application I am looking for good throw, but enough spill to provide you with some situational awareness between myself and the 200+ yard subject.
200 yards is quite a distance. Do you really need THAT kind of throw?

For that, you would probably need to enter the realm of the XTAR Howitzer. It is 240 bucks retail so pretty pricey. But, it has 1700 lumens at 500 meter throw.
For reference,

The thrunight catapult is 150 bucks and would be a decent choice. It has high output and excellent throw. Not like the above, but it is a more reasonable price and especially size!

ANY light with this kind of output is going to have enough splash to be able to see around you.

Note: The Jetbeam RRT is probably a good light, but it is just not in the same class as the ones we are discussing. 240 lumens directed with great throw can be better than high spread out lumens, but for your specific purpose, the catapult would be similarly priced and much better output in my opinion.
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