So I got my hands on a TLR-1 weapon light yesterday with the intention of putting in an SSC P4. I knew other members had already done this, but I've never seen any directions of any sort. So I unscrewed the bezel and there was the Lux soldered to the board. I took some needle nose pliers and pinched the emitter and gave it a slight wiggle to see if it was expoxed, soldered, or if it was just thermal grease. I think I was able to break it free from the epoxy when I wiggled it, because there was hardened epoxy underneath after I unsoldered it. I put some Arctic Silver in there and soldered in a U bin SSC P4. I got the emitter from DX so I can't say exactly what bin code it was, but from the tint, it looks to be SWO, and the emitter was seeing 3.3v down from a 3.4 with the Lux. So it looks like I'll be getting slightly better runtime even though it already gets 2 1/2 from the factory. Beam was exactly the same, while output increased substantially. I don't have anything to measure with, but it is definitely just as bright as my Novatac 120T on high.
Here are some before and after beamshots:
It was a pretty straightforward mod as long as you're good at soldering in confined spaces.
Here are some before and after beamshots:




It was a pretty straightforward mod as long as you're good at soldering in confined spaces.