Tools Aviation Caddy's bad for batteries?


Newly Enlightened
May 17, 2005
SF Bay Area
I recently picked up several Tools Aviation Caddy's in AA and CR123 but I've since started wondering if they're really good or not for for batteries. I've noticed that the caddy's tend to put dents or even punch small holes in the batteries when you remove the cells. On CR123 or Alkalines it's not a big deal since you don't use them, but I really don't want to punch holes in a set of 8 Eneloops. Am I being overly cautious or this really not good for batteries?
I've seen dents but never had holes punched in batteries because of them.

I've used them to hold AAA, AA, CR123 and 9V batteries of all sorts (lithium primaries, alkalines, NiMH rechargeables, Eneloops, duraloops) and I personally have never had any issues with them. YMMV.

Edit: BTW, this topic might belong more in the batteries forum?
My 4xAA carrier wrinkled up the wrapper on a fat Radio Shack NiMH cell when the seam was in line with the tab that retains the batteries. The tab also dents alkalines at the groove near the bottom on removal.
No problems with ROV Hybrids.
I use four of the 4xCR123A carriers, two with SF123s, and two with AW RCR123s, and have no problems with any of them.

Don't know that it hurts anything, but I'd prefer to keep my wrappers intact, and will not be forcing any cells like those fat RS AAs into the carriers.
Wrong forum...There's more than General and LED Flashlight forums on CPF, and there's too many off topic postings. This should be moved.
Maybe your off-topic reply should be moved.
I've been using these holders for about 2 years now. I've got a variety of the holders that are mostly used for storage. But I use the AAA size every night for my MP3 player at work. I need to swap the battery every 1-2 nights so my rechargables go in and out of the holder frequently. I've never had a problem with them denting the cells or causing any other significant problem. But after about 18 months, the wrappers were getting somewhat worn. Not enough to risk a short, but enough to look bad. However, that was also about the time the cells started to degrade in performance, so it was time to swap them out anyway.
It's probably more of a problem with rechargeables. Using primary cells in mine only puts a little dent but I could see if you were pulling them in and out all the time that you could have a problem.
I'm sorry, I didn't actually see a battery forum on the main tree, I figured battery carriers would be something worth discussing in the "general" forum.
The AA carriers definitely dent up Eneloops. It hasn't broken the shrink wrap on any of mine yet, but I'm a little leery of it.
The AA carriers definitely dent up Eneloops. It hasn't broken the shrink wrap on any of mine yet, but I'm a little leery of it.

There must be differences between production runs, I have some of these carriers and I can find no marks on the eneloops I keep in them.
I'm sorry, I didn't actually see a battery forum on the main tree, I figured battery carriers would be something worth discussing in the "general" forum.

There is a separate Flashlight Electronics - Batteries Included forum. :)

Back to the original topic, I think it really all depends on whether or not you think it is worth the risk. Some are leery of using them, others (like me) have not encountered any issues. If you find yourself leery of using them, then you would probably do better to find an alternate battery carrier that does not dent your eneloops. But if you are like me and you are ok with the risk, then just use them and deal with the dents if/when they become a real issue. Do what works for you and do not worry too much about what the rest of us think. :thumbsup:

My $0.02.
There is a separate Flashlight Electronics - Batteries Included forum. :)

Back to the original topic, I think it really all depends on whether or not you think it is worth the risk. Some are leery of using them, others (like me) have not encountered any issues. If you find yourself leery of using them, then you would probably do better to find an alternate battery carrier that does not dent your eneloops. But if you are like me and you are ok with the risk, then just use them and deal with the dents if/when they become a real issue. Do what works for you and do not worry too much about what the rest of us think. :thumbsup:

My $0.02.

thanks for showing me where the battery forum is. Now that I know where it is, it's pretty hard to miss.

Yeah, I guess what I'm worried about is what that little cover does. Does it even matter if it gets ripped or is it just cosmetics. I've decided to use the carriers for primaries and will order the standard snap enclosure for the Eneloops.

Thanks for all the help.

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