Trek 7/14 questions...


Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2001
I am thinking about picking up a new light to use camping/hiking/diving/lots of other times... and I was wondering if there is enough difference between the 7 and 14 to justify the upgrade? I have a Nightbuster 8X that I use right now, but want something I can dive with and still puts out a good amount of light. Also, as I have noticed that these are avaialable in white and green, what are the advantages/disadvantages between the two?

The 7 is a bit dimmer then the Nightbuster 8X. The 14 is noticeably brighter then the 8X. Both of the tektite lights are truly waterproof and have double "O" rings, and at least they did when I got mine. I would recommend the 14 for diving and the white LED's. The green is about twice as bright but you loose all color recognition. It is amazing the color you see using LED's vs. incandescent underwater.
I don't dive, but in all other applications I have found the Trek 14 (white LED's) to be an outstanding light. It's initially brighter than the LW 3000 and even the 4000, but after several hours, the Light Waves eventually gain the upper hand. However, from 4-7 or more hours the 14 is a first caliber light whose beam is more "natural" in color than the excessively blue L. Waves.