Tri Cree, materials aquired.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
Thinking of modding a SF incan to run Tri Cree LED head at currents from 90mA-3000mA for the cluster, it would need a beefy heatsink and a special middle ring between the head and bezel to house a U2-esk selector ring with a Hall sensor creating seemless transition from low to high in infinite steps, It would ideally run on a rather large selection of cells, 3-4 cr123's, 2 17670's , or 2 17500's, using an A19 single cell extender. I wanna make this happen as I love working on things, I hope after some initially testing of electronics to control the power level I can make thie a reality.

Well new info is shark board with 18650 or 18500's and 17**0 cells with a .5mm thick sleeve. its range is 50-980ma so it'll suck some power, the hall sensor will take a little power for itself but nothing much.

Lumens should range from about 30-50 on low to 600 on high and anywhere inbetween

Well thats all for now,
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Re: Tri Cree

65535 said:
Lumens should range from about 30 on low to 600 on high and anywhere inbetween

Will three Crees at only 30mA each really put out 30 lumens?

If so, I'd prefer quite a lot lower of a lowest setting. I'd want something like 1 or 2 as the lowest, then about 10 as a next to the lowest then up from there.

Still... sounds pretty good!
Re: Tri Cree

That could be done I was just using the range of my U2 seemed pretty good, but your right 30 lumens is actually a pretty high number, I suppose sicne this is a completely blank slate it could be done easily.
Re: Tri Cree

Ahh... I hear you. I didn't realize you were using the levels of the U2 as the starting point.

This would be an awesome undertaking. I hope you make it though. I'm going to settle for a Seoul in a VB-16 (one of Wit's End's CPF Limited Edition lights) with an IMS reflector. I think it tops out at about 750mA to the star... Maybe a bit higher when run with two R123s but I'll probably stick with an 18650.

So... how are you figuring the output vs current levels? Any idea how many lumens a CREE or Seoul P4 would be putting out at about 30mA or 75 mA?
Re: Tri Cree

Actually Im using the lowball figure from SF's Lux V in my U2 extimating about 10 lumens at 30mA their will probably be more light. Im going for a smooth linear transition using the same U2 as the U2 but with seemless levels, basically like the Gatlight or SF's little necklace light the titan. But after thinking it could probably be done to have it go from about 1mA to my full 3A level, I am trying to base it off of a Downboy circuit 3 actually in parallel using a hall sensor to control output current, I have contacted Newby and dat2Zip about how it would work, newby and I came to the conclusion that their would be a way to use 1 hall sensor and resistor the output in order to create a range within the magnetic range, that would in turn control the output. If this works I will buy the flashlight host and have my Middle ring section machined out of titanium (I doub't I will get around to having it anodized so I figure Ti stands up to abuse without a coating.
Re: Tri Cree

Bump and I'll be redoing my numbers yet again, after talking to wayne (dat2zip) I have taken his advice and decided that a shark converter boared will be more effiecient and easier to use for this setup that means the low is going to be much brighter 50 mA per led (50mA @11.5 volts) but so far progress is being made, the elelectronics are theoretically done with, and All I need is to order the LED's and the electronics for testing, then I need to find a place where I can work with someone to mill/lathe out my selector assembly, and before that I will need to buy the light host. (No mags for me)
Re: Tri Cree

Some teaz pics, I guess thats what they are and yes that is a 1 3/4" x 12" solid 6061-T6 aluminum rod which I acquired for a nice $6.44 shot next to my U2 and CRKT M16-13T (yes titanium handle AUS 8 steel blade)


And a couple others.



Just thought I would bump this still haven't found any people on cpf that can do this, I may try to find a local shop with a 5 axis mill and a lathe.