Tri-V lens cap impressions


Jun 13, 2002
Austin, TX
Well, I got a package in the mail saturday. Flat as a pancake, but inside were the lens caps. On first glance they looked like a handful of gummy bears in an assortment of colors.

They were smaller than I expected, which seems weird because of course they had to fit the Tri-V lenses. duh! Thats also a testimony to saabluster's nice close up photography.

They fit great. Occasionally, I'll take the light out of my pocket and the cap will be off and still on my pocket. I think thats from the friction of the lens cap loop against my pocket. Not sure yet. Minor issue that doesnt happen very often.

My favorites so far are the glow and the transparent red. The others I like are the transparent black. There are a couple other black ones that are kind of transparent. One lights up red and the other blue, although they appear black when the light is off. I think the blue one simulates ultraviolet. Its a cool effect.

I still havent figured out a way to attach the cap to the light using the loop built into the lens cap. I think we'll have a good old time figuring out the best way to attach.

So far, I like them a lot. I think you all will too.
Well, I got a package in the mail saturday. Flat as a pancake, but inside were the lens caps. On first glance they looked like a handful of gummy bears in an assortment of colors.

They were smaller than I expected, which seems weird because of course they had to fit the Tri-V lenses. duh! Thats also a testimony to saabluster's nice close up photography.

They fit great. Occasionally, I'll take the light out of my pocket and the cap will be off and still on my pocket. I think thats from the friction of the lens cap loop against my pocket. Not sure yet. Minor issue that doesnt happen very often.

My favorites so far are the glow and the transparent red. The others I like are the transparent black. There are a couple other black ones that are kind of transparent. One lights up red and the other blue, although they appear black when the light is off. I think the blue one simulates ultraviolet. Its a cool effect.

I still havent figured out a way to attach the cap to the light using the loop built into the lens cap. I think we'll have a good old time figuring out the best way to attach.

So far, I like them a lot. I think you all will too.

I had Mandy put a halt on the cap production until I get the OK on whether or not you think the popping off issue is a problem big enough to warrant redoing the molds. If you honestly think it is just say so. I'd rather we get this right before I go and make them all.

I think the best way to attach the loop is the same way you do with the straps that I believe Dave supplies where you send a loop through the hole and then pass it back in between itself. That way you have essentially two parts holding the little rubber loop which would be better considering the very small cross-section.

BTW the UV one would be the purple one. Also curious to hear more on what you think of the CCT shifter I sent you. Worth the trouble? I haven't posted any pics as yet as I didn't think that would be as useful as hearing from someone that actually has the light in question with its specific LED tints. It can of course be varied to suit.
OK so fasteddie and I have been discussing this particularly problematic potential popping problem. It has been decided to redo the mold to allow for a small lip that will catch on a portion surrounding the asphere. That will make it less likely to pop off unintentionally.
All this waiting is sure tough to handle but it sounds like you and saabluster are giving it your best shot. I think that the creator "Dave" aka Data should have been included as one of the lens cap beta tester.
Thanks to all who are involved in this project.
Well, I got a package in the mail saturday. Flat as a pancake, but inside were the lens caps. On first glance they looked like a handful of gummy bears in an assortment of colors.

They were smaller than I expected, which seems weird because of course they had to fit the Tri-V lenses. duh! Thats also a testimony to saabluster's nice close up photography.

They fit great. Occasionally, I'll take the light out of my pocket and the cap will be off and still on my pocket. I think thats from the friction of the lens cap loop against my pocket. Not sure yet. Minor issue that doesnt happen very often.

My favorites so far are the glow and the transparent red. The others I like are the transparent black. There are a couple other black ones that are kind of transparent. One lights up red and the other blue, although they appear black when the light is off. I think the blue one simulates ultraviolet. Its a cool effect.

I still havent figured out a way to attach the cap to the light using the loop built into the lens cap. I think we'll have a good old time figuring out the best way to attach.

So far, I like them a lot. I think you all will too.
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Re: Tri-V lens cap impressions
Written by cnjl3 on 01-11-2011 12:03 AM GMT

For the three members that haveTri-V Lens Caps.
Which method of attachment (if any) are you using to prevent losing your lens caps?

fasteddie said:
I still havent figured out a way to attach the cap to the light using the loop built into the lens cap. I think we'll have a good old time figuring out the best way to attach.

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