Tritium. Let's see what you have. Post Pics


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2010

I'm completly addicted to tritium and would like to see some pics of Tritium in Torches Keyrings Jewelry or Just ideas for tritium use. Lets see if we can come up with the next big thing for TRITIUM.
Nothing. :(
I'm hoping to get a light at some point that I feel good about spending money for tritium on...
That said, I want to see more :D
I just got a light from Pugga but have agreed not to post pics just yet. But when I do you will see it's a real Humdinger. Does anyone know what the largest tritium vial is.

I'm completly addicted to tritium and would like to see some pics of Tritium in Torches Keyrings Jewelry or Just ideas for tritium use. Lets see if we can come up with the next big thing for TRITIUM.

I like the multiple 5 & 6 hole key rings.
Is that 1 vial with milled holes? What is the metal being used?
Are they available, and from who?

I have a question, and if you can direct me, I would appreciate it.
I am incorporating 1.5x5mm trit vials by Bart into a titanium or tungsten carbide ring (yet to be decided.) I would like some pointers on the install of the trits, so I can let my jeweler know how to set the vials. I have already purchased the Norland 61 glue, but I don't know if that's the best way to set the vials in jewelry, as it would be the softest material of the ring, and may be susceptible to polishing and steaming.
Sorry to get off topic, but I would appreciate any tips, or a link.

That's pretty sweet... It would be nice if they used more colors though, LOL... :drool:
I am obsessed with tritium, its really easy to buy here so I attach it to most things! Here is a little key fob I made last night, its my first home made one. What do you think?

I would cut off a toe for all of those lights... :wow:
I would cut off a toe for all of those lights... :wow:

I think your toe will be safe by contacting Pugga....

Nice Trits Can you tell us about what they are attached to. Is there a J Hanko in there.

They are all D10s and EX10s (stock, mod and custom). There're Sabrewolf's double red trits, Kuku's singular blues, pugga's radical approaches with double, triple and drilled versions, and of course, JHanko's ingenious 3D tritium on the far right.

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