Tungsram 56580 m@g80, trial and error


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2006
Northern Nv.
With emoli cells, 3.7v 26700mah, fresh charge 4.1v. 26mm diameter, 70mm length.

Previously flashed tungsram 56580 around 10.8v on freshly charged A123x3.

AW's driver in hand and 3 rested emoli decided to risk one tungsram in a 4C that has particular low resistance. Measured 11.2vbat. and 11.1vbulb, remeasured 11.1vbat, 10.97vbulb. according to hotrater exceeds 62138 100w in raw lumen. taking both side by side in the night 62138 brighter but not by much. Maybe a particularly hardy bulb but what a surprise.

edit: burning the midnight oil with wrong bulb, 64610 50w was bulb mistakenly used.
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Re: 56580 x3 emoli, m@g80, 90w, 4978blumen


I have been reading your posts with a lot of interest. I have built 1 ROP-LE and 1 mag85. Interested in continuing, and especially interested in what I can do with A123 or Emoli cells. You mention good success with the 5761 on 2 A123's. Would it instaflash on 2 Emolis because of the higher voltage? Please forgive any silly newbieness contained in my questions. If it would not tolerate Emolis, do you have any specific bulb recommendations for a 2 cell Emoli light?
Re: 56580 x3 emoli, m@g80, 90w, 4978blumen

First for the record have been sick in bed last couple of days and made an error in this thread. The bulb tested with x3 emoli was not 56580. This morning after dragging out of bed discovered was 50w 64610. No wonder it did not instantflash.

yes good success with 5761, 2xA123, have a nominal voltage of 3.3v, fresh off charger 3.6v. Emoli are 3.7v nominal, 4.2v fresh off charger. Can use Li Po charging program. And yes, they would instantflash 5761 without any regulation. Working now with Northern Lights help to do that very thing. Find a combination of NTC and resistors to drop overhead voltage down to 7.1vbulb.

2xemolis(3.7v) is 8.4v fresh charge, 7.4v nominal, wa 1164 would be slightly overdriven giving almost 600bulb lumen. wa 1274 at 8.4vbat =over 900bulb lumen according to hotrater, but have not used that bulb myself.
3xemolis is 12.6v fresh off charger and will run alot of different 50w and 100w bulbs.


I have been reading your posts with a lot of interest. I have built 1 ROP-LE and 1 mag85. Interested in continuing, and especially interested in what I can do with A123 or Emoli cells. You mention good success with the 5761 on 2 A123's. Would it instaflash on 2 Emolis because of the higher voltage? Please forgive any silly newbieness contained in my questions. If it would not tolerate Emolis, do you have any specific bulb recommendations for a 2 cell Emoli light?
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Re: 56580 x3 emoli, m@g80, 90w, 4978blumen

The WA1164 can't be overdriven much past 9.6v and gives over 1500bulb lumens. Are you sure you're Not confusing it with the WA1174?

You're basically at the edge with the WA1164 at 8 bats and run the risk of instaflash with out a soft start. I've tried 9 Eneloops once... but it only lasted about 5 mins before it burned out.
Re: 56580 x3 emoli, m@g80, 90w, 4978blumen

Well.... humm... 8x1.2vNiMh=9.6v. emoli nominal voltage 2x3.7v=7.4v.....

emolis fresh charge are 4.2vx2=8.4v....

I agree on the edge with 8 bats.

2xemolis(3.7v) is 8.4v fresh charge said:
The WA1164 can't be overdriven much past 9.6v and gives over 1500bulb lumens. Are you sure you're Not confusing it with the WA1174?

You're basically at the edge with the WA1164 at 8 bats and run the risk of instaflash with out a soft start. I've tried 9 Eneloops once... but it only lasted about 5 mins before it burned out.
ran the 56580 on 3xA123 cells 10.1v with tailcap off, 9.5vbulb. It is one bright bulb.

Noticed someone listed the Tungsram 56580 having 4000 life hours with something over 2200 lumens.

My oh my, the lumens would shoot up halfing the life of the bulb to factory ratings. see pic.

This bulb has become one of my favorites. I play with a lot of bulbs but only 3 do I carry. 5761 smallest compact handy go anywhere with 2xA123 or 2x emoli 26700mah and NTC, CMB in a slightly larger package with 3x emoli 26700mah cells, and Tungsram 56580 with 3x A123s. These Tungsram bulbs came from www.Stevia.com whom I have had reliable service.


bulb lumen Vbat required Vbulb amp watt lumen realumen realtorch t-lum lum/W hours CCT o-drive °F%°K Eff%

56580 3,247 10.10 ......9.50.... 7.85 .....74.6 ...3,247 ...3,194 2,076 .......2,110 43.5.... 8.1 ....3,817 ...15% 6,412 -3.3% (122)94.1%

hard to cut and paste, this is with Lux's numbers and correct 2000 hour bulb life plugged into the formula.

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couple pics first is Tungsram 56580 run on 3xA123 cells.


next is 5761 on 2xA123 cells.

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Re: Tungsram 56580 m@g80, trial and error Pics added

How hot does Tungsram 56580 get? Pic below is an old kel-lite I modded to run on 3xA123, and the Tungsram. I forgot to upgrade the O ring.
that blue stuff dripping down the reflector is the old Kel Lite's lens ring.


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