Actually I myself have been trying to trace its origin - no secret that the metal is a few years old(!) and I've forgotten where it came from. Fortunately, aluminium doesn't seem to have an expiry date.
It should be a Luxeon tower as I intended it for a super-LuxV, I do recall that much.
The inside diameter was measured at 16mm, and the ridge inside the module appears to be 1mm thick, so if you want to squeeze a converter board all the way in, it should be 14mm. IIRC we only had limited options in those days.
I think it MAY be a Kiu turbosink but it is definitely very similar to yclo's old ones. There is a hole in the side as you have mentioned, I was wondering what it was for. But 2004 appears to be too early in the game (I think I got my SRTH later than that?)
No negative spring. You could buy a N2 from me and salvage the spring or ask if anybody has a dead MN-series lamp.
Justin, many thanks for your research
I was searching all night without much success. Too many years, too many beers, and my memory ain't what it used to be
PS: Cool.... I just found the incriminating evidence of me caught red handed with the Kiu turbosink
..... in a U2 thread of all places.......