U2 Bezel Guard??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
Houston, Texas
The mini mag filter holder that comes with most AA Mini Mags fits the tailcap of the U2 perfectly and allows you to tail stand the U2. However, I was wondering if anyone has found something similar that fits the bezel end of the light. I want to carry this light more, but am deadly afraid of dropping it. I have tried some of the cheap filter holders for the Brinkman lights. While some of them came close, the lip is to small to stay on the U2. Has anyone tried the line of Surefire filters on the U2? FM 64,65,66,67????? Any suggestions???
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For what it's worth, I've dropped my U2 a couple times and it didn't ding too bad. You could get one of the SF filters and punch the actual filter out... it would be kind of bulky though. Some heat shrink tubing might do what you want....
I say just don't worry about it so much and let a SureFire be a SureFire :thumbsup:

they are built tough and can definitely stand up to a good dropping.. the "used light" look isn't bad either!
The SF filter holders are exactly 1-in inner diameter, the same as mini-mag filter holders.

I use the SF F04 diffuser on my mini-mag dropin mod.
