:candle:I have a t-bin LuxIII coming and I want to upgrade it to SSC
I found an older thread about upgrading to a higher bin Luxeon but also have become confused with a cpl of comments on changing up to SSC.
Do you indeed HAVE to enlargen the pocket in the heat sink to accomodate the slug of an SSC. Is the SSC indeed bigger than a LUX? they look the same to me or very close.
If you do indeed have to enlargen that pocket doesnt this remove the HAIII coating on the heat sink and wont the LED short out without the isolation the HAIII provides ? I saw Pumaman had to do this but I dont know what model light he has. This may be more than I want to do.
Also if a MCR20s reflector is used does that negate having to shim the SSC? If you have to shim the led what do you use? anyone have an easily obtainable solution for a shim?
I have always wanted a PD and have finally got hold of one. But now with this hurdle to overcome I dont know it may be too much to deal with. Plus I dont want to have to dump another $100 bucks into it by having a skilled modder do the procedure. It will put the cost way overbudget for me.
Please:candle: Help!!!!
I found an older thread about upgrading to a higher bin Luxeon but also have become confused with a cpl of comments on changing up to SSC.
Do you indeed HAVE to enlargen the pocket in the heat sink to accomodate the slug of an SSC. Is the SSC indeed bigger than a LUX? they look the same to me or very close.
If you do indeed have to enlargen that pocket doesnt this remove the HAIII coating on the heat sink and wont the LED short out without the isolation the HAIII provides ? I saw Pumaman had to do this but I dont know what model light he has. This may be more than I want to do.
Also if a MCR20s reflector is used does that negate having to shim the SSC? If you have to shim the led what do you use? anyone have an easily obtainable solution for a shim?
I have always wanted a PD and have finally got hold of one. But now with this hurdle to overcome I dont know it may be too much to deal with. Plus I dont want to have to dump another $100 bucks into it by having a skilled modder do the procedure. It will put the cost way overbudget for me.
Please:candle: Help!!!!