ultrafire C3 Cree Q3 - please help !


Newly Enlightened
May 9, 2008
I have been bought Ultrafire C3 Cree Q3 6-Mode LED Flashlight for 30 days ago.

I will planning new order for my flashlight in 1-2 days.
I want to ask you a few questions.

1. which size of o-ring for my flashlight? (14mm-16mm-18mm)

2-which type of tailcap for my flashlight?

3- this flashlight is waterproof or not?

4- how do I replacing tailcap for my flashlight?
please show me with pictures.

thank you very much.
good work.
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1) Where do you want the o-rings? replacement for what's there, or GITD for the outside of the body?

2) no, that tailcap is for a SureFire 6P. There are no replacement tailcaps for the C3. You can however get replacement rubber switch boots. the 14mm green, black, or orange ones work. there is a variety pack available.

3) if you keep the o-rings well lubricated, it's dunkable. It would be ok in a puddle, maybe a swim in a pool, but nothing more.

4) replacing tailcap is just twist off, twist on. replacing the rubber boot involves taking something like a pair of needle nose pliers and sticking them in the two holes in the retaining ring on either side of the spring inside the tailcap. unscrew that, and remove the guts. replace what you want and reassemble in the reverse order. pay careful attention to the order things came out, because you'll have to put it back the same way to work correctly.

thank you for answers.

if I use Heatsink Thermal Compound (Grease-like)
it will be ok?

sory for my bad english.
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Did you damage the tailcap of your flashlight? It does not look right in the photo.

If you PM me your address, I can send you the tailcap from my C3. I am using the C3 head with a Civictor body so I do not need mine.
yes I damaged tailcap for my flashlight.


I want to change o-rings with grease. bu I dont know its size:-(
I want to use flashlight is 7-8 meter depth in sea.
I am from turkey. so, I am so so far :)
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That light is not suitable as a dive light. I highly recommend you get an actual dive light meant for that purpose.

Do you need a whole new tailcap, or just the rubber boot? It looks like the boot tore off.
I'm looking for dive light.
Yes, I need new tailcap but I can't find t from internet (DX..etc)
From your pictures it just looks like the rubber boot is torn and needs replaced. Does the light still function otherwise?

If it's just the rubber boot, this is all you need.

But this light can definitely NOT be a dive light. You'll want to look at other brands such as Underwater Kinetics for a true dive light.
replacing the rubber boot involves taking something like a pair of needle nose pliers (or something else pointy) and sticking them in the two holes in the retaining ring on either side of the spring inside the tailcap. unscrew that, and remove the guts. replace what you want and reassemble in the reverse order. pay careful attention to the order things came out, because you'll have to put it back the same way to work correctly.
Tailcap sent.

I suggest you edit post #5 and remove your name and address.
It is not a good idea leaving personal informafion on the web.
That is why I suggested PM, nobody else can see it.
dear LEDninja,
thank you so much for c3 tailcap.
I received C3 tailcap.
thank you again.
good work.