SilverFox has a recent thread here about these, pointing out some concerns. You might want to search for it and read his findings - he is one of the local (true) experts on batteries.
Aside from that I have used them for low power drain lights and have had no problems with them. They won't even get a glimmer out of my WF-500 incandescent, but work ok in my LED lights. - Larry
Grun - I said all the above, but the fact is I have quit buying them. I use what I have (two of the 18650's) as long as they work, but I've learned that good cells are more cost effective over the long haul. I now buy AW batteries, which are among the most expensive, but they work extremely well, last forever, and never let you down or ruin equipment. I think they are also far less dangerous for fire, etc. while charging. In the long run they cost no more than buying the cheapos and having to replace them much sooner (sometimes almost immediately). And the AW's will fire up the most power hungry incans out there. Of course I use only protected cells in any size or brand. Good luck with your lights.- Larry
If you decide not to go with AW's cells for some reason, the 2000 mAh LG 18650s are a bangin' deal compared to the Ultrafires.
i am not sure but a swear i used to get my LGs from battery space, but the spec sheet isnt a lg spec sheet for them anymore, they are all off brand things now?
are those LG cells? beeeccaaauuse it looks like Batteryspace went all cheap on us, cause they SEEM to be GL cells instead
Genxiao LiPeng kun Gao dun took over there, i am not sure but a swear i used to get my LGs from battery space, but the spec sheet isnt a lg spec sheet for them anymore, they are all off brand things now?
Confirmed: I received LG cells in the salmon-colored wrapper.