USB Battery capacity testers?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2007
Redding, CA
So I'm thinking about getting a battery tester that can hook up to my PC via USB and graph things like some of you cool people have... :p

I have a $30 RC charger that can discharge cells, but only up to 1A. It doesn't seem to be that accurate either. Voltage is often off by .1 or .2v.

So far, the only USB battery tester I know of is the CBA Analyzer. Are there any other good options?

Whats the difference between the CBA II and III?

For those that have them, do you have the pro software, or just the normal software.

Lastly, where is a good place to buy one?

This is the setup I use:

That multimeter has an RS232 serial interface. Although it may seem that USB is better, RS232 has the advantage that the serial port is standard and you do not need special driver software to access it, so you can easily write your own programs if you are so inclined (which is in fact what I did). You can also interface with RS232 from micro-controllers like PIC or Atmel, something much harder to do with USB.

When I want to connect the meter to a PC I use an RS232/USB interface dongle. It means I can have as many serial ports on my computer as I have USB dongles available.

As I mentioned in the other thread, RadioShack may be discontinuing that particular meter. I am guessing it is because the supplied software is quite old and does not install well on Vista or Windows 7. Maybe they do not want to, or do not have the resources to update the software. It does not bother me as my custom logging software allows me to use the meter quite happily on Windows 7.
jasonck08, the Mr Happy has pointed out a good alternative to the CBAII or III. You should consider your options before spending your money. A CBAII dis-charger will discharge batteries or cells and provide a good information about the discharge, but Mr Happy's alternative also provides you with a useful multimeter.

I have the CBAII with pro software (although the non-pro version is just fine.) I don't know what the differences are but here is where you can find more information as well as purchase one.
I think I'm going to go with the CBA III.

For those of you who have a CBA charger or similar setup, how do you rig things up?

How do you connect the cells to the charger? I was thinking about maybe rigging up some kind of plastic vice / clamp with copper connectors on the end, a little bit like this clap:


If you have any pictures of your setup and how you connect various types and sizes of batteries, please post. Thanks.
Thanks for the responses guys...

If I'm going to make a battery clamp type thing, what type of connector connects to the CBA analyzer? Deans? JST? What type exactly, its not very clear...
Thanks for the responses guys...

If I'm going to make a battery clamp type thing, what type of connector connects to the CBA analyzer? Deans? JST? What type exactly, its not very clear...

It is called Powerpole, if you check the ordering page at West Mountain you can see pictures of the connector and order some.
Thanks. Does the stock CBA come with the powerpole connector? I see some pictures online showing that its included others don't show it.