User feedback on Leatherman Charge TTi...


Dec 3, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
Mine is in the mail and it should arrive today. I just wanted to know any thoughts on this model as compared to other Leathermans, and models from competitors.

Many people in my unit have Gerbers that they took with them to Iraq, and they didn't hold up very well. A group of my friends though gave a Charge XTi to a friend of mine and the titanium handles and 154CM blade got my attention. With the new one using S30V steel... I couldn't pass it up.

I hope it will be at least decently comfortable along my beltline to replace my Benchmade automatic (carrying a switchblade around as an EDC isn't too smart).

Thoughts... ?
I got it in the mail and it's pretty sweet. Although, I expected the main S30V blade to be sharper. It does a pretty good job for fitting all that utility inside my pants-line beside my hip.

We'll see how it goes...

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