Using screws to mount LED stars. What screws work?


Nov 22, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Anyone do this? I'm thinking of using screws so in the future I can jsut unscrew and I can take the LED's off easy for upgrading LED's. When screwing the screws in I will be using a little Loctite to null the effects of vibration.

I would liek to know what screws work and would prefer if possible a screw thatwould work with all cube, round, Luxeon lenses, Cree lenses, and SSC lenses.

Thanks in advance.
as long as it works right there is no problem with using screws to hold down stars. I have several flashlights that they did just that to hold the star against the heatsink and IMO it works nicer than some other methods as it makes it easy to upgrade the star/LED just unscrew, unsolder, solder new one, screw back in... done. The only thing I can think of as a problem is if you screw them down near the isolated tab on the star and short things out frying your wiring and batteries.
#4 pan head sheet metal screws. Be careful not to short out the emitter leads on the top of the board so carefully select which two slots you put the screws in. You will only need two screws.
I used some small plastic nuts and bolts on my original LED light. I was always worried that they would come loose and then the LED would fry itself (turned out the drivers fried themselves). Rebuilt the light using thermal paste and a dab of epoxy.
Standard M3 flathead bolts.
The triangular cross-section assures that the contact area with the star is minimal, nothing touches the tracks on the PCB.
Make sure your holes are drilled with precision, i couldn't get the lenses to match up when I tried to use screws to hold the leds down. I ended up dropping the dough on thermal epoxy, and it was a lot easier to deal with.