UV Filters a Lense Protectors


Newly Enlightened
Aug 26, 2006
I recently recieved a Boxer 24W from PTS-flashlights, and I am absolutely satisfied with my new toy. There is just so much light comming out of this little thing. One thing that I would like to do is protect the lens. So, I have a few questions:

1. What is the original lens made out of?
2. Would a filter like this THIS decrease light output?
3. What effect would a UV filter like this have on my light?

Thank you very much
I run with a 72mm UV filter on my Boxer. I have not noticed a decrease in light or any other adverse effect. In a not-so-long-ago post... I also show a 5 color - filter set available on Ebay.
Thank you very much j3bnl and GilmoreD. I revieved my lens protector today, and I cant see any visible difference with vs without the protecor too. It fits like a charm, and I looks like the light coulda come that way! It matches perfectly! Another question, is there a diffuser made that will fit on the Boxer? If not, I'll have to experiment some...