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V54 Monthly Giveaway


Oct 13, 2010
Biggest regret is waiting till I was in my late 50's before getting into high end flashlights.
Glad I am still around to see the flashlight technology take off.
Thanks Vinh again for all you do.



Newly Enlightened
Apr 26, 2004
NE Ohio

Biggest regret: not following my own path. I went away to college, received my degree, then came back home
and got into the family business. Never considered or explored another career.

BUT (and because of that it led to the thing I'm most glad I did):

During a holiday break my sophomore year I came home and met my future wife. Started dating, and
got married after graduation. 35 years ago!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Regret not finishing school, especially since I'm so close. Ended up with a good job but it's not where I thought I'd be

Glad I finally decided to have baby. Wouldn't trade anything for my daughter.



Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2015
Portage, Michigan. USA
My biggest regret would be not having spent more time with my grandfather before he passed away when I was young. I miss him dearly. He was one hell of a guy.
I remember hearing about his time in the service.
I wouldn't trade anything for the things I have learned working my line of work. I know things about life that just cant be taught any other way.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
#1114 is my entry

My biggest regret: not marrying my wife 20 years sooner. We dated for almost 20 years off & on. But after my other loves , losses, & wasted time I should have believed in love at first sight.

My biggest achievement was learning how to care for my grandfather when he was dying. He needed constant attention, but he yanked out all his tubes called me up and told me to bring him home. The doctors told me he only had a few days left so we might as well. They taught me to use the equipment they sent him home with, but he never needed it. He ended up lasting another four weeks. He asked for a sip of "white lightning", Jamaican 151 proof rum. We cleared it with the dr. And gave it to him. He passed with a smile on his face.

20 years later, I would go thru the same thing with his wife. We didn't like the way the nursing home was taking care of her so we did it ourselves. She lasted for years and even started improving because she was home. My teenager was 3 at the time and he used to help her get up and push her butt to help her along. She lived long enough to hold my youngest one before she passed.

There is nothing on this earth that can make you stronger or improve your character more than taking care of a loved one. I was a powerlifter but the experience had me crying all the time. If I had to do it again , I wouldn't change a thing...
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Newly Enlightened
Nov 24, 2015
3rd Entry


regret: Not getting into a job that I liked When I got out of college I jumped into doing something just cause I needed money
Glad: After so many years (19) of doing stuff that was just work for the sake of money I have a job I am enjoying.

waxing twilight

Newly Enlightened
Aug 24, 2015
somewhere near the Mason-Dixon
My biggest regret is probably not listening to my recruiter and passing on an IT MOS, or more so, not looking more into college scholarships and grants to pay for college out of high school so I could work in a career using my brain. That path led to letting myself get pulled away from my early interest in computers and coding. That cost me to miss out on a tremendous amount of happiness and earnings had I been able to stay the course, and years wasting time in occupations I was miserable in.

I'm glad I took advantage of a second, though much more expensive and less fruitful, opportunity to correct that mistake when it arose.

Summer Heat

Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2009

My biggest regret is not eating enough vegetables and drinking enough milk as a growing child. Now, as an adult in my 20s, I am 5 feet 7 inches and 145 pounds. There are kids in middle school bigger than me!

But being small has some of its advantages, I have never ever hit my head on a ceiling, and getting in and out of my car is easy.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 15, 2014
Anchorage, Alaska
Biggest regret is not having a family before being 38 years old. Having children earlier and enjoying their youth in my youth.
The best part is I am almost 50 with 3 small children under 7 and having the patience and experience and still enough energy to keep up.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 14, 2010
I wish I was 5'7".... :-(

I am 5' 5" and I am just dangling on a sportbikes and all the girls I like are taller...But hey alright...

A quote from the movie "Little Boy", a wise man pointing at Little boy chin and said: "Don't measure yourself from here to the floor, measure it to the sky"


My biggest regret is not eating enough vegetables and drinking enough milk as a growing child. Now, as an adult in my 20s, I am 5 feet 7 inches and 145 pounds. There are kids in middle school bigger than me!

But being small has some of its advantages, I have never ever hit my head on a ceiling, and getting in and out of my car is easy.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015

ill do another one, I used to be a fitness fanatic, when lifting weights and staying on the heavier end I was around 5'11 220-225 pounds and 14-17% bf , when I had a race I wanted to do I would cut a little back and stay between 190-205 pounds and 10-13%. Very disciplined eater and lifter/exerciser. Now, I took a new job, went back to night shift and weigh 250 pounds. It kills me that I don't have time to keep in shape.

Double edged sword here. Taking the job has given me a way to better financially support my family.

Summer Heat

Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2009
I wish I was 5'7".... :-(

I am 5' 5" and I am just dangling on a sportbikes and all the girls I like are taller...But hey alright...

A quote from the movie "Little Boy", a wise man pointing at Little boy chin and said: "Don't measure yourself from here to the floor, measure it to the sky"

Oh, love that quote. Where I live, a lot of the people are of Asian descent (so am I, I am Chinese/Korean/White). There are quite a few girls/ladies here who are really small, like 5' 2" and 100lb. I am hoping to pick up a girl like that. Its kind of hard sometimes because even those really small girls want boyfriends who are over 6 feet tall (like what, really?) LoL.

But on a serious note, I am actually very grateful that I have not made any major mistakes or regrets in my life so far. I survived a open heart surgery and a major medical crisis a few years ago, so since then, I have put a lot of thought into my life so that I make the very best of all the time that has been given to me. It would be such a waste to have survived something like that just to squander the second chance at life when many others were never fortunate enough to have lived long enough to get a second chance.
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Summer Heat

Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2009

ill do another one, I used to be a fitness fanatic, when lifting weights and staying on the heavier end I was around 5'11 220-225 pounds and 14-17% bf , when I had a race I wanted to do I would cut a little back and stay between 190-205 pounds and 10-13%. Very disciplined eater and lifter/exerciser. Now, I took a new job, went back to night shift and weigh 250 pounds. It kills me that I don't have time to keep in shape.

Double edged sword here. Taking the job has given me a way to better financially support my family.

Oh man, I am in the same boat as you. I started working full time in a busy hospital, and ever since then I have not done a lot of exercises or working out. I used to work out several times a week. Now I am so lazy after work that I cut down to exercising about once a week. But the paychecks are worth it. :)


Oct 13, 2010

I regret all the years I drank Budweiser beer thinking that any beer was good enough to slosh down my gullet.
Thankful for craft beer. 20 years ago there was only lawnmower beer. Now there are so many great brews to choose from that are unique and quite tasty. We are living in great times indeed.
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