Vacation Lights!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
Hello CPF!

I'm taking off with my family to spend a few weeks on a beach in Mexico with my family, Cozumel and Cancun. I'm taking Maglights; Mag AAA, Mag AA, and Mag XL50. I'll take a white traffic wand incase we need a lantern. The Mag XL50 makes a great impromptu lantern on low.

My kids will have Petzl headlamps.

My wife and I will have Arc AAAs. We have traveled the world with an Arc AAA in our pockets.

I'll also have a Petzl e-light headlamp in my backpack.

Thanks for sharing

Them Arc AAAs are a classic! Got a few myself and have carried one around my neck for years.
Sounds like you have some great lights, I'm sure they will serve you well on your trip.


Maglites make nice lanterns, I suppose I need to make a Lantern kit for the XL series.
It's always fun to think about what kinds of lights to bring on vacation. It can be a nice break from the usual EDC if you have a large collection!

Have a great vacation Kelmo!
Enjoy your vacation, sounds like you are well covered!

I enjoy picking out lights for a trip (and various other gear for the matter), that way I can pretend to be the minimalist that I really want to be and get away from all the stuff I have at home.