Value of of some older lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
Can any of you please help with the value of these lights?

1 - Mint HDS Basic 42 XR GT

2 - Arc AAA latest version from the old company 2006ish like new black

3 - Surefire KL2 HA head mint

Wow, I had no idea there was a flashaholic living in my home town. I've got to take a trip up from Kalamazoo so I can get some Sandman's ribs soon!

I have no idea about values for those lights, just wanted to interact with a fellow flashaholic from 4950X.
1) $80-120 2) $40-50 3) $150 up
You never know around here though. A year is an eternity here. Main part is finding someone who wants that particular item. Of the 3 you listed I have never seen any of them sit for long.
Can any of you please help with the value of these lights?

1 - Mint HDS Basic 42 XR GT

2 - Arc AAA latest version from the old company 2006ish like new black

3 - Surefire KL2 HA head mint


1 - Start it off $150-180, then cut your prices down as time goes in small increments, like $5...if it still won't go offer trades, or wait awhile before bumping

2 - I'd say post it $40 but that might be a bit low, I wasn't an arc fan so I dunno

3 - KL2s are a discontinued item, contrary to my presumptions they are not really rare, they are good for LED modding platforms and are pretty much out of the competition stick, I'd start it at $180 and go from there
Arc AAA is old Tech. Its time has come & gone. A collector would probebly give you a nice price for it though. JMO.
Number 1 can range from like $90 - 250 depending on what Serial you have, the type of battery tube, how mint and what accessories.

If you got mint everything, knurled tube and a trit filled bezel you're looking at $250.

Number 2 I've seen them go around retail. The ones that go above retail(I mean really above)are the ArcLS and specific limited run Arcs.
I bought a KL2 from the marketplace some time ago, and it was well under $100. Then while using it to work on the wife's quilt machine it died!

Sent it in to SF and a week later got a brand new one sealed in plastic, inside a cardboard box with paperwork dated 9-1-2002. That kind of customer service is why I own way too many Surefire lights...
