Very attract flexible arm LED Lamp modded from AC to DC


Jul 18, 2004
Hi CPFers,

Picture intensive!

Its been awhile since I did some modding. So I'll just like to share with all the good folks here my latest modding project.

I have been searching a long time for a flexible arm DC LED lamp and happened to chance upon one on display meant for mounting on the wall and love the beautiful machining of the aluminium head and stand. Unfortunately its operating on AC, and comes with a no name led and it uses an optic for the reflector. Then it stuck me that I could have it modified to DC. So I decided to buy it. It cost me US$120.00 but I feel its worth it.

Then the seach for all the parts needed for modding begin. It cost me about another US$130.00 for all the parts, from the CREE XR-E LED , driver, dimmer, on/off switch with blue LED, anodised aluminium casing, re-chargable 12V Li-ion 1800mAh battery (comes with a wall wart charger), teflon wires, connecting pins etc.

The lamp is now completed and have a low of 50mA and high of 780mA.

The best part is I can bring the lamp wherever I go and used it when I'm doing modding.

Should I decide to go AC, I'll just put back the balast and have the wire reconnected. So I now have the best of both world.

Here are some shots.





Operating on 50mAmp (last for already 5 hrs as at the time I'm posting this thread).


Beam shot at 50mAmp with the room light turned off.


On 700mAmp also with room lights switched off.


Close-up of the machined head.


Close-up of the balast compartment.

Hope you like it. If anyone is interested in one, drop me a PM and I'll see if I can search and mod it for you and let you know the total cost including registered mail.

Thanks for watching.

What an elegant and functional mod - wow!
Super job, and thanks for sharing!
:thumbsup: john
Hi Luxbright! What a unique and wonderful lamp you have made! Very stylish. I see a rotary knob - is it the high-low switch? And I am curious about the gooseneck used - I would very much like to buy some of that material, if you can share your source please. One more thing, what is the driver like? Best regards, Jeff
Hi Jeff, thank you for the kind words.

Yes, that's the high/low switch of the 5k potentiometer I replaced. Unfortunately, I too couldn't find the gooseneck (flexible arm) that was why when I chanced upon the lamp, I didn't hesitate and bought it straight-away, and the driver was bought by one of my friends some time back.

Wow!!! I have been looking for something like that. Sounds a bit out of my price range though. I truly admire those of you that have the talent to produce something like that!!

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