VME bezel and twistie net more lumens!!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2008
Prunedale, CA
Hi all,

I been curious as to why my M30 which generally gets super warm when I use a Malkoff Twistie body. I have a UBH body and a 6P I have been putting my M30 in, but the bigger hosts stay cool and no noticeable heat while the M30 gets hot hot hot...

Well I put my IMR 16340 in the Malkoff twistie body and got this OTF lumen readings:
294.6--------1 sec
263.8--------30 sec
254.6--------1 min
245.4--------2 min
241.5--------3 min

I was puzzled and confussed because in my 6P it was netting only 230ish OTF. So, then I put the VME bezel on my UBH body and powered it by a AW 17670 the current went up too. I saw 1.6A at the tail, and thought holly molly, but my OTF lumen readings were less alot less.

189.2---------1 sec
183.1---------30 sec
182.3---------1 min
179.2---------2 min
179.2---------3 min

Perhaps it was the E-series clicky or something that was making me loose soo much OTF lumens or the 1.6A of initial current.:sick2: Keep in mind in a 6P with big IMR 18650 it was also 230 OTF, but no detectable heat like the twistie malkoff body.

I think this VME bezel plus the twistie body act as an extention of heatsinking which is why I saw such a huge increase in lumens.

I already re-tested several times and I keep getting these mixed results. The lego with more heat and less current is giving me more lumens:candle:

What say you????
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I have noticed in my 6P that the harder I press the +B spring, the more it draws current.

This is a pic of a Sanyo 18650, but I am gently depressing the +B spring with my -ive probe.

Pushing the cell all the way down draws considerably more current from the Sanyo.

Same goes with the IMR18650. light pressure barely compressing the +B spring.

Pressing the +B spring completely flat draws the most current from the IMR.

I also read somewhere that the Z41 has higher resistance than the SF click switches.

I don't know if these are the source of your problem in particular, but based on my observations, there is some variation. The amount of resistance between my particular 6P and the module it hosts can vary quite a bit. One of these days I am going to replace all my +B springs with copper bar stock on my P60 modules.
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That's a big drop off for only 1.6A, but I'm not familiar with the twistie's heatsinking so I can't judge :)

Also, something I've been meaning to ask: Ever tried tests with a fan\holding the body of the flashlight to try and dissipate heat? I'd really like to know just how much efficiency the pill loses if the outside of the light is kept cool and the only thermal barrier is between the pill and the host.